(Chapter 1) - Reverse Potion -

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Deadlox's POV

I sat on top of the hill where me and Seto first met. The view up here is beautiful, maybe that's the reason he loves it up here. I hear some footsteps below the hill...Yeah, that's not what a normal person can do, I'm not an ordinary person...I slowly peek below the hill, I see Seto, my best friend, carrying some ingredients for his Sorcery stuff, It looks like he's heading back home.

I quietly slide down the hill. Once I made it, I run behind him and tap his shoulder.


"TY!? How long have you been behind me?"

"Just now, what are you up to?"

"Just heading back home, I needed some ingredients for some potions."

"Do you need some help?"


I help Seto carry his ingredients for his potions, I wanted to ask him a favor...SCREW IT! I'll try once we get there...Minutes later we made it to his house. I hand him his ingredients.


"Yeah, Seto can you do me a favor?"

"Oh sure, as long as I can do it, sure."

"Mind making me a reverse potion?"

Seto looks at me wondering why I need a reverse potion. I think to myself 'Is he gonna ask? Should I tell him?'.

"I- sure, I'll make you one..."

SetoSorcerer's POV

Deadlox grins, then leaves the house. I wanted to ask him about the reverse potion...Why does he need it? I decide not to ask about it. I shrug it off, and go to my library. I take one of my books and search for the reverse potion. I look at the description and read 'The Reverse Potion, to reverse certain events. Requirements: 1x Magma Cream, 2x Diamonds, 1x Emerald....' What an expesinve potion...I continue reading '1x A Belonging From the User.'

Is Deadlox going to use it? I'm going to call him...

Deadlox's POV

'No...not this again...' Whispering to myself. I looked on my mirror, looking at the horror...'You...'

"What do YOU want!?"

'Ty, I need to put MANNERS into my hands...I need to destroy SOMEONE...'


Thinking about it carefully, I relized who it was...


'YES, I am going to destroy HIM, you are destroying my plans.'

"P-please, n-not him..."

'You are in LOVE with HIM!? I'm going to crush that heart of yours...just you wait...'


I take out my "medicine" out of the medicine cabinet and throw it. Relizing I was back in reality, I hear my phone ringing...

"Ty? Hello?"

"Oh, Yeah! yeah...this is Ty."

"Hey, the potion needs an ingredient..I don't have it, only you have it."

"Really? alright..."

"Yeah, come by tomorrow, alright? well see ya!"


As he cut off the phone, I whisper...

"Love you..."

EnderBlaze/Setolox Disaster is Yet To ComeWhere stories live. Discover now