chapter 47

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next day morning 

nandu woke up 

manik was sleeping

nandu got ready 

nandu: manik get up we need to go to the hospital 

manik: why yaar 

nandu: to find out the truth 

manik woke up and got ready 

after 2 hrs 

nandu and manik went to the hospital 

they asked for doctor ritish 

DR, Ritish: he is a doctor and villan for nandu as he loves nandu very much but she got married to manik so he became nandu's enemy he want to kill her by using soha help as they both are freinds from childhood. and he knows everything about nandu including that nandu is the real grand-daughter of radha home

the front desk told dr. ritish has not come to hopital for 1 week he has a lot of pending people he has to look for 

manik to nandu: what is this nandu now what should we do 

nandu: isnt it wierd that the dr has not come for 1 week i feel there is something fishy

manik: do you think that soha must have done something

nandu: do you think so

manik: but we dont know soha is at home for very long time so we cant accuse her for doing this 

nandu: i dont know 

manik: let me call the police 

manik then calls the police and then they go to meet the police 

manik: sir the doctor ritish have not come to office for1 week is what the front dest told us and we did not know what to do so i called to take your help

police: no worries give me his phone number 

they give the phone number to be tracked 

but unfortunatly they could not track the place of the doctor 

nandu was now worried and was thinking what to do 

manik: what do we do now nandu we cant able to find the doctor 

nandu: we cant do anything now lets go home 

and then they both left to home 

nandu: manik I think I know where the doctor is 

manik: what if you know then why did you not tell me 

and this conversation was hearing by a girl

nandu was signing manik to look over there and then when he looked over he saw shha listening to their convo 

(yes that girl is none other then soha)

then manik acted like he know everything 

manik: where do you think the doctor is then 

nandu: that I dont know properly  

soha left from there 

then manik and nandini followed soha 

but soha does not know that they are following her 

she goes into a dense forest 

and inside of the forest there is a home 

she opens the lock to see the doctor being tied up and alll bleeding 

soha takes a stick and goes to the doctor and was about to hit the doctor 

and it was stopped by a person

soha saw back and was shocked 

end of chapter 

who was the person stopped soha 

why is the doctor tied 

will manik and nandu find out the truth

let me know in the comments 

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