new start

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As you sat on your uncomfortable chair, the pencil in your hand moved gracefully across the page, bringing your designs to life. Your passion for fashion and your dream of opening up your boutique filled your mind with excitement and determination. You envisioned creating one-of-a-kind dresses and suits that would capture the hearts of anyone who saw them. With each stroke of your pencil, you felt one step closer to making your dreams a reality.

As you were drawing, you heard a commotion outside your room. At times, it was difficult to make out what was being said, but at one point, it became clear that it was Noodle and Ms. Scrubbit arguing. You opened the door slightly and witnessed Ms. Scrubbit dragging Noodle away, and they were nowhere to be seen for the rest of the night.

The next morning Wonka made his way to the Gallery Gourmet.

As he made his way there he stood in front of the same shop he paid 3 sovereign the other day. He put this briefcase on the floor as well as his cane, he sighed and whispered to himself. He stands on his suitcase and confidently announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Of the Galeries Gourmet! My name is Willy Wonka! and I have come to show you a marvelous morsel, an incredible edible, an unbeatable eatable, the likes of which this would have never seen."

As Wonka was giving his little speech more and more people grew curious and gathered around for what he had to hold. "So quiet up and listen down. No, scratch that, reverse it. I give it to you...The Hoverchoc," He pulls out an egg like chocolate and then plays it a little tune.

Not too far from where the crowd is, two girls were pulling a cart, one of them was dragging the cart while the other was writing or drawing on a notebook. They both had very different styles of clothing.

One of the girls tapped Y/n's shoulder and whispered, "Psst! Y/n, look over there." As Y/n turned to look, they saw a man holding a jar of chocolate from which he was letting the chocolates fly out and then fly back to him. Both girls were amazed, as were the people around them.

As Wonka caught the attention of the general public he also caught the attention of three other businessmen.

Wonka asks the public if anyone would like to try one when one man, in particular, stands out. "I will." A man in a dark blue suit walks towards Wonka.

Wonka was caught off guard by his presence and stuttered a little, "Mr. Slugworth Sir."

"Scause me." another businessman in green came out as well. Followed by one in a yellow suit.

Wonka steps down from his briefcase to give the man a handshake. Mr. Slugworth gives Wonka a very firm handshake. You could tell he was in a bit of pain from that handshake.

As Y/n and Noodle watched from a distance, they both saw the three businessmen getting a taste of Wonka's Chocolate.

You both watched carefully and then out of nowhere they started flying up in the air.

> I'll try and upload more :)) now that I found an HD version of Wonka and can hear the lines more clearly<

Chocolate Lovers [Wonka x fem! reader]Where stories live. Discover now