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{Author's POV}

Today is the wedding of eun woo and jimin . Eun woo is beyond happy whereas jimin is confused with his feelings. Only jimin's family and eunwoo's family was there to be seen .

Not many people were invited because eun woo said that no one should get to know that their companies are collaborating.

They will do an reception party where they will reveal that their companies are collaborating .

Jimin was sitting in the dressing room and he was all dressed up.

His tears were not stopping. The make-up noona said

Noona - please sir don't cry , you're makeup is getting ruined.

Jimin wiped his tears as he didn't wanted to trouble noona more as it was the 4th time when make up noona was doing his makeup again as he would cry and his all makeup would be ruined.

Jm - I'm sorry .

Noona - It's okay , its okay to cry before your wedding.

She said while smiling and then says .

Noona - but now you should be happy that you're getting married to a rich guy who is so handsome.

Jimin's dad came and said

Jm/d - son , are you ready?

Jimin nodded and makeup noona said

Noona - wait , there's something left .

She said and picks up the veil and set it in jimin's hair and covered his face with it .

Noona - now everything is perfect. Best of luck jimin

Jm - thank you noona ( he whispered)

He holded his father's arm and they started to walk in the aisle . Eun woo couldn't take his eyes off from jimin .

Jimin's dad hands him jimin's hand and whispers

Jm/d - take care of him , he's my only sunshine.

Eun woo nodded and they stood infront of each other. Jimin's eyes were down all the time.

Priest - do you take jimin as your lawful wedded husband?

Eun woo - I do .

Priest turned towards jimin and asked

Priest - do you take eun woo as your lawful wedded husband Park jimin ?

Jimin was going to open his mouth when someone else shouted .

?? - No he doesn't.

Everyone's attention get drowned towards jungkook

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Everyone's attention get drowned towards jungkook. There was a silence  . Jimin took out his veil as he couldn't believe his eyes.

Jungkook walks towards them with his devilish smirk and his voice echoed in the hall .

Jk - How can you guys start the wedding without the groom ?

He said and pushed eun woo aside and stood on his place.

Jk - start the wedding priest.

Eun woo shouted at jungkook.

Eun woo - what are doing jungkook !? , go from here .

Jk - why should I go ? You go from here. You're invading my wedding.

Eun woo stood between of jungkook and jimin to stop him .

Eun woo - stop this jungkook. Why are you-

Jungkook shouted

Jk - boys !!!

His mens came and didn't let anyone come near them . His mens also forced eun woo to go from there.

Jm/d - please mr jeon jungkook , leave my son. Today is his wedding.

Jimin's dad pleaded.

Jk - oh my father in law , don't worry . He is safe in my hands.

Jm/m - please leave him .

Eun woo - Jungkook he doesn't wants you so leave -

Jungkook cuts him off and says

Jk - Oh shut up , I love him and he loves me than what's your all problem.

Jungkook walkes close to jimin's dad and says

Jk - now listen my father in law , give him to me happily or else I have my ways . Just think about your company Mr park .
Your company can get so many loss and after that you have to give him to me. Than why not now ??

Jm/d - no I will never.

Jk - oh god !! You guys won't let me marry peacefully. Mark !!!

He shouted his secretary's name and he came while holding a injection. He took the injection from his hand and came near jimin but he steps back in fear . Jungkook pulls him by his waist and injected it in jimin's neck. 

Soon jimin became unconscious and jungkook took him up in bridal style.

Jk - I will send you photos and you can meet him after marriage Father in law .

Jm/d - noooooo !! Jungkook !! You can't do that please!! .

Eun woo had hung his head down as he couldn't save jimin from jungkook . Jimin's mom and dad were crying messly.

Jungkook sat inside his car with jimin in his lap. He rested his head on his shoulder and hugged him tightly in the entire ride .

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