Chapter 5

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If I turned away, I wouldn't be able to escape the smoke. It was too much. The odor, the texture, the thickness of it, it was surely going to kill me. I couldn't see anything beyond the darkness that enclosed me. The more I tried grasping for something, anything, the black fog got stronger and suffocated me even more. It traveled down my throat with heavy weight, causing me to thrash harshly.

I was going to die.

"It's a shame," a voice nearby said. No, it was more of a whisper. And the moment it spoke, the disgusting fog disappeared, but the stench remained.

The silence was deafening.

I attempted to get a hold of my surroundings only to realize that it was dark, or rather, I was blinded by darkness. With my arms out in front of me I tried walking in the direction of the voice. No words could exit my mouth, as if I'd lost the ability to speak.

Help! I screamed inwardly.

"Such a power is wasted," the voice proclaimed. This time it spoke behind me. But as soon as I turned around, it spoke again in another direction. "To think that the power of both darkness and the heavens have fallen into the hands of NOTHING!"

What is the meaning of this? I could feel the tears threatening to escape as I turned blindly in every direction as the voice continued.

"Favored amongst the weak and yet futile to those who depend on it."

I could hear the voice in all directions now. It's rage and anger spewing like a powerful force. With it came the sounds of many who were harmed.

I could hear the shouts and wailing of people I never knew. Their cry for help went out in vain as no one went to aid them. I felt their fear and sorrows as they realized their fate was to die. Their anger struck me heavily, as if I was the one to blame for their troubles.

My breathing hitched when I felt a puddle touch my feet. Sightless, I reached the puddle with shaking hands. The thick, metallic scent that drifted to my nose gave way that it was blood. As realization hit, I cowered back only to land in it from behind me. I tried screaming, yet nothing could come out. I attempted to look at my hands, still I was unable to see anything. But the images emerged in my head, a movie playing in my head against my will.

The eerie faces of those helpless in a battle they weren't responsible for. Darkness enveloping their loved ones and those who tried to escape. A frozen image of a man crying as he ran from an unseen force. Another grey image of a woman whose head was detached from her body, her young child screaming nearby. Horror in their eyes as they witness their mother's head fall.

Then a visual of a dark vicyn gauging out the eyes of everything around it. Blood trickling from its snout, matted in its fur. This image was different, however. It came to life, the screams and the agonizing cries from its victims deafening my ears. As if noticing my presence, the vicyn turned its face in my direction. It screeched into the air as it faced me fully. Stopping only seconds away from pouncing at me.

It gazed down at me.

The head of a bull, horns sharp as blades. The torso was a shift between a human and a bird, wings spread too far for my eyes to comprehend. The wings bore tears and rips. Blood dripping through. Its legs were those of goats, giant though.

It peered at me through black eyes covered with blood. Mouth open, revealing sharp canines. Its tongue hangs low. It was waiting for me to say something. To confess.

It wasn't me! I tried to scream.

Helplessly, I scratched at my hair, beating my head trying to get rid of the image. Tears were falling and unearthly sounds escaped me.

I wasn't responsible for their deaths! I had nothing to do with what happened to these people.

Suddenly the image froze again. The giant vicyn stood in front of me. 7 feet high and glaring.

My heartbeat raced when I felt the owner of the voice right in front of me. It's magic bearing heavily down on me as I did nothing. I was completely frozen against my own will. Breathing becomes difficult when it's magic encircled my neck. I struggled as best I could, but it was useless.

"It would be beneficial if I ended you right now," it said with hostility.

Once those words were spoken, the image turned real once again. I could do nothing as the vicyn's hand grabbed me with speed my mind couldn't comprehend. Its figure comes out to be nothing but a blur. The vicyn mouth came closing in on me. I couldn't even scream as darkness took over.

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