Angst and comfort

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A/N: not edited much. Just wrote real quick today. I was watching the golden globes on TV and a blatantly transphobic political campaign ad come on during a commercial break. So I wrote this for a bit of comfort :)

Henry was in the living room
He was sitting with his knees drawn close to his chest. His arms draped over his knees. And his head resting upon his knees.

Alex sat down next to Henry. "Hey, baby. Are you okay?"

Henry didn't respond for a moment but then lifted his head not looking at Alex just staring into the distance.

"Why do things have to be so hard," he sniffled "I-I don't understand why people have to be so hateful.  Like I'm not hurting anyone by being trans and
"I feel so uncomfortable a lot of the time and it's just ridiculous that I can't get Top Surgery because of capitalism and insurance And-" Henry breathed out a shaky exhale "And I started my period today. Which is just ugh. And my chest is sore from the trans tape."

Alex loved Henry so much and hated seeing him in pain. He couldn't do much to fix his situation at the moment but he could hold him and make sure he knows he's loved and they will figure it out together

"Baby, "Come here," Alex said holding out his arms to bring Henry into a hug. Henry scooted into Alex arms burrowing into his chest and fell apart. The dam of tears breaking.

Alex rubbed his back "Shh it's okay, you're okay." "We will figure this out."

Alex called his mom the next day. "Hey mom, can I come by later today?"

"Of course, is everything alright?"
"Yeah yeah, just something I need to talk to you about nothing bad."

"Alright, came by around 1pm."
"Can we go to the living room instead of your office, this is more personal."
"Okay kid, you're starting to worry me, what's this about."
"It's about Henry, but it's not bad really just not something I want any staffers to overhear."
That made her breathe with relief a bit.  "Alright, come over for dinner then."
"Okay I'll be there. Thanks mom."
"Of course hun, see you then."

"I was hoping you could help me brainstorm a fundraiser to help Henry raise money to get top surgery. And if we could stay here while he's recovering. It would just be helpful to be around family. I can take off work to help but having the support of you guys for meals and things would be great."

"Of course you and Henry are always welcome here. I'm sorry he's having such a hard time."

"Yeah, needless to say his parents kicking him out hasn't been easy on him."

Ellen blood boiled at the thought of a parent who would abandon their child for just being who they are.
Henry is so sweet and loving and he doesn't deserve the pain and heartache he's experienced but the universe answered her prayers and Henry's when Henry met her son. She's never seen her son so happy as when he's with Henry. So of course she's going to help Henry in anyway she can.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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