Chapter 25 - Present

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Summer in California included a cacophony of sounds. Palm trees rustling in the wind, tourists shouting, the music of street performers blasting, the ocean crashing against the shore, honking cars in Los Angeles traffic. Granted, that was how Los Angeles was for most of the year, but summertime held something special. A promise of new beginnings.

When Amara and I had first moved into our apartment, we spent the first week straight exploring the neighborhood we were in, walking past beautiful, grand houses, saying hi to dogs, taking in that this was our new home. We would go to the Grove together to buy decor or clothes for special occasions. We had truly made it a place we could be comfortable. So why did it always feel like something was missing?

My phone pinged and I looked down, crossing my legs on the park bench. Kids were running all over the playground in front of me, their parents chasing them, barely keeping up. I think you know what you have to do. It's not fair to either of you. A text from Amara. I had told her about recent events with Liam, and how I was conflicted. Amara only reaffirmed my thoughts. I would have to break up with Liam, and we both knew it was coming.

Jessie and Mason went to the grocery store, and I took the opportunity to take a walk by myself and get some air. I walked past couples and couples, and realized I should go somewhere I wouldn't see an overabundance of PDA: a park. Although, scanning the grassy area around the playground, couples were picnicking. There was no hiding from romance.

I sighed, standing up from the bench with a stretch. I figured I should go back; I wouldn't be able to hide from the truth forever. What exactly that truth was, I wasn't sure. I knew I was going to break up with Liam. Or we were going to break up together, however that worked. Beyond that...I didn't want to think about where my feelings were leading me.

Back at the apartment, Jessie and Mason returned about five minutes after I did, so I made good timing. Jessie strolled right into the apartment like she owned the place which, by default, she kind of did. I went down to the parking garage to help her with the groceries, and saw Mason struggling with a couple packs of drinks: water, energy drinks, Gatorade. The fruit punch Gatorades were teetering precariously on the edge of the other drinks, and I quickly ran over to catch it before it could fall and the bottles could explode all over the concrete.

Jessie grimaced. "You two bring those up, I'll stay by the car."

"You sure," I asked, struggling to get a good grip on the pack.

She nodded without turning around, instead weaving her arms through more reusable bags from the trunk.

Mason gestured with his eyes to the elevator. "Ladies first then."

"I'm not the one who took more than he could handle," I grumbled.

"What was that?"

"Thank you, kind sir," I said instead with a sweet smile, leading our way into the elevator.

Elevator rides had to be in the top 10 most awkward experiences ever. Why did it have to be so quiet? Why didn't this elevator have the stereotypical music humming in the background? Why didn't we have anything to talk about? Hell, if I lived with the guy and still found a minute long ride uncomfortable, I think that was my problem.

I cleared my throat. "How was the grocery store?"

Mason gave me a curious look. "Uh, good? How good can a grocery store be?"

I looked towards the elevator doors, willing them to open. "Oh, you know, sales, coupons, fresh chicken wings...getting asked on dates."

Mason chuckled. "Nice. Is that what this is about?"

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