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He has a secret, a secret killing him inside and making him paralyzed. A secret of guilt and of a dark world which when broke, No one can bear.

Author's POV

"Bs bs or nhi kahunga" Advait said with a puffed cheek as his mother had been stuffing food in his mouth without a pause.

(Enough I won't eat anymore)

"No dear, don't say like that. Just open your mouth". While he persisted in refusing, Aadrika spoke and shoved a piece of food into his mouth.

Mothers are mothers.

He shook his head, disagreeing as she broke off a tiny piece of food. But then, this was Aadrika, and she had a backup plan at all times.

"Ohh then don't eat. I thought that my kid will become a superhero after finishing this whole breakfast and would protect me from all evil people". She spoke, catching a glimpse of him bending toward her hand out of the corner of her eye.

"Really maa! I'll be a super hero like papa if I finish this whole breakfast". His babyish voice was full of amusement as he asked.

She nodded her head and he like a bullet out of the gun ate his whole breakfast without throwing tantrums.

"That's amazing Aadrika. In these entire two years these little devils had never eaten their meal without throwing their hands and legs in the air." With a rapture-filled heart, Madhuri spoke.

Aadrika burst out laughing, and to her surprise, she saw Aayan standing close to the refrigerator, scanning the area like a thief would before robbing.

"What are you doing there my child?" She inquired, raising her eyebrow.

His dark eyebrows lifted in surprise and mouth hung open but he immediately close it and retain his figure while giving a nervous laugh.

"No-Nothing I was just fi-finding the milk to drink in fridge maa". Stuttering, he said.

"But just half an hour ago, I gave you a glass of milk". She said as she sprinted in his direction, managing to suppress the need to burst out laughing.

Aayan hung his head low in terror as the flashback of memory replayed in his mind, he remembered the day when one of his cousin's mother gave him an earful and said in fit of temper that he'll always be a motherless kid just because he snatched a chocolate from his cousin's hand who had already dozens of chocolates inside his pocket.

He yearned to tell his father about this tragic event, but Madhuri forbade him from doing so because Arjun and his family do not get along well and none of them ever want to be the target of their father's rage.

She approached near him and lifted his chin and was taken aback when she saw tears pooling in his eyes and she without thinking twice clasped him to her bosom while her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Maa you won't leave us naa?"His lips quivered as he asked.

She quickly shook her head and said "Like stars never leave the sky. I'll never leave you too my son".

With reluctance, he released himself from her embrace and used the back of his hand to wipe his now-tomato-like nose before speaking." I thought you'll leave me".

She wiped his tears with her thumb and looked deep into his eyes and replied "Never".

Why have you been standing here for the past few minutes, then? Fake seriousness lit up her face as she asked him.

However, Aayan thought it was hilarious and burst out laughing when he saw his mother giving him fictitious glares.

"Actually You know maa. I love to eat chocolate whether in morning, evening or in night and today since morning I'm craving for chocolate but when I approached to Madhuri Aunty. She simply shooed me out of the kitchen.

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