~ Prologue ~

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I walked into The Great Hall. Ruffling my skirt and pulling my chin high, I adjusted my collar and took a step to the Slytherin table. I let out a grunt from plopping onto the firm wooden bench.


"Is that you, Y/N?" Ominis asked precariously, his pale eyes staring into the heart of his dinner platter. Well, his empty one.

I gently prodded his chin towards my direction. "For one thing, Ominis, I'm right here."

My friend nodded and waved his wand in my direction. "Got it," he articulated assertively. "It seems just like yesterday, when I was a little naive first year. The horror I'd have felt if I wasn't a Slytherin."

I attentively turned my eyes towards the huddle of first years. I let out a soft sigh of reminiscence from my unfortunate and catastrophic involvement of ruining the Sorting Ceremony last year.

"The thrill of it all..." I whispered, the memories overflowing. "Well, the one year I was actually here."


"Pardon me?" I asked, baffled; the twinkle in my eyes gave away my sarcasm.

"Anyways, I know we had a bit of a rocky start, but you've proven yourself-as a friend. I don't want to lose that. I already did with Sebastian, that desperate, infiltrated fool." Gaunt's voice cracked at the end.

I know damn well he doesn't mean that.

Besides, my sarcastic remark had no real reason for such a deep answer. I guess Ominis Gaunt couldn't see what I saw.

"We don't have to talk about it," I whispered, aware that anyone around us could be listening. I tried to not think about Sebastian; I really did.

"It'll never excuse-"

"Relax, Ominis," I placed my hands on his right shoulder; I was a bit taken aback by how tense it was. "I don't intend to start this school year in dispute. And, yes, I know-" I paused. "What he did; yes, understood. Don't you ever feel remorseful for turning him in, though?" I lowered my voice in fear of the other Slytherins at our table hearing. The dispute between Ominis and I felt heavy, though only a handful of words were actually shared.

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