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Tyler was just getting out of the lecture hall when he got a text from Beatrice. He read the message and smiled, refilling his water bottle before leaving the large, brownstone building. He exited through the front doors, telling Mason who was right next to him "Your sister said your parents want to have dinner with me." Mason was not so excited to hear this.

"Be careful when we get there. They are nice to me and Beatrice but might not like you too much. Because you, you know, don't have that much money. Might get paranoid and think that you're after the family fortune."

If Mason looked anymore sheepish he would be covered in wool.

His best friend frowned. "I'm sure they aren't that bad. I mean, you and Beatrice both turned out well. How bad can they be?"

"Just promise me you'll be careful, okay? Dad might try to piss you off and goad you into saying something and get Beatrice mad at you," Mason warned.

Mason then called his driver and told him to come pick them up, while Tyler called his parents to tell them he would be going home late that evening.

The driver arrived not long after.

He and Tyler both got in the limousine. Tyler was still not used to the luxurious lives that his best friend and his girlfriend lived. He wasn't sure if he would ever get used to it. It just was very different from his own upbringing and family life.

Not that he resented them for it or felt jealous. No, Tyler really was not that sort of boy.

It didn't take very long at all before they arrived at their destination. Mason got out of the car first, followed by Tyler. Their driver drove on, parking in the garage after dropping them off at the front door.

Mason used his key. He and his friend went inside. "Mom! Dad! I'm home," he announced as he entered the living room. His parents and sister were there, along with his younger sister.

Beatrice smiled and waved at Tyler very happily. Her father Alan did not look so happy.

"Afternoon, Tyler," he said coolly.

"Oh, um. Good afternoon, sir."

"Come join us, my dear," said Beatrice's mother Carla in a much more agreeable tone.

"Thank you!" replied Tyler. He set his bag down and nervously sat at the table next to Beatrice. Beatrice squeezed his hand reassuringly. He still felt extremely nervous though. She was his very first girlfriend, after all.

Once Mason had joined them, the maid brought over supper.

Tyler never ate lamb chops before since his parents were never able to afford that sort of thing. He was amazed at how good the meal tasted. He never knew anything could be that delicious.

"So, young man, when are you going to stop pretending?" Alan asked suddenly.

His question stumped Tyler.

"Pretending what, sir?"

"That you aren't in it for the money. You are only dating Beatrice because you want our family's money, right?"

"I take offence to that, Dad!" Beatrice jumped in. "I am beautiful and also a very successful athlete. Did it not occur to you that these aspects of me might have attracted him? Also, I've tried to buy him an expensive gift before but he said no."

Her boyfriend interjected "That last part won't convince him." He then faced Alan. "If I'm right, you are thinking that I am in it for long term financial security. You are probably thinking that I declined an expensive gift recently in order to gain her trust - to make her believe that I'm not interested in her fortune. That way I can be with her long term and be set for life. Am I right, sir?"

"You are smart. I'll give you that," conceded the middle aged man.

Tyler sighed. "I know I won't be able to convince you of my honest intentions today but one day you will see. In the meantime, we had just finished dinner and I should be going home." He set down the napkin, saying "Thank you for the meal."

"I'll have Randolph drive you home," Carla said. She then told their maid to go find the driver.

Soon, he was back in the same car which took him here.

As Tyler sat in the backseat of the car, gazing out the window at the passing trees, Randolph started speaking.

"You will have to excuse him. He has his reasons for being paranoid."

"Before he married his wife, another woman used him for money. Am I right?"

Randolph was surprised. "How did you guess that?" he asked.

"Simple. His daughter is a good-looking young athlete with a lot of confidence. A naturally attractive girl who could woo any guy she wants, and she chose me. A frail bookworm. She is so clearly way out of my league and he thinks that I'm only interested in her money. Clearly the man has been burnt before and doesn't want his daughter to go through the same thing."

"You're right. Before marrying his wife, he was in love with another woman. He thought she was the one, but no. No, she was interested in his wallet, not his heart. She left him after tricking him into buying her a sports car and a bunch of other stuff. Jewellery, handbags and other things, you know?"

Tyler sighed.

"Alright," he told the older man. "I won't judge him. I just don't know how I can prove to him that I really am not after the money. It's much harder to prove a negative than a positive, you know?"

The driver concurred, telling him "I'm sure you'll figure something out. You are a smart boy, after all."

"Thanks." They did not speak again for the next twenty minutes

Once he got home, the boy found that both of his parents were already asleep in their bedroom. He petted Max gently, refilling only his dog's water bowl, knowing his dad has already provided dinner.

He then walked to the bathroom, entered and took a shower.

After he was done showering, Tyler found Max waiting for him, curled up on bed. He got in bed next to his dog. Tyler read for half an hour before switching off the light and going to sleep.

Author's Note : What do you think of this chapter?

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