Chapter 73: The Blood of the Gods

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The helicopter circled over the ruins where the First Timeline's Atlas had crashed, the rubble unmoving with the exception of the flame. Just like when the Heroes had entered the First Vao's Reality the first time, tension had risen. Only this time it wasn't because of their goals clashing.

They had all heard the voice ring out, clear as day. The voice of the Blood confessing, gloating and boasting over its atrocities.

Winter stood in her airship, the First Verde typing away at a keyboard, her eyes focused on a screen. "... Forest. It's gone quiet. Give us a status update."

The First Verde expressionlessly chewed on her lower lip, giving her head a small shake. "... No. I can't hack into the First Vao's Reality. I can't monitor his Soul. There is an increase in power at the site that he and Salem disappeared, but that is all I can say for certain. I cannot narrow down a source."

Winter scowled, pacing back and forth. The anticipation was getting to her. Pressing on her earpiece, she spoke. "Yin Number Two. Have you supplied comms with the Third FRSB?"


Everyone in the airship flinched when Vao screamed into the microphone, still not fully grasping how modern technology worked. In fact, none of them seemed to understand.

["IT WORKS, RIGHT!?"] Yin shouted immediately after.

["STOP FUCKING YELLING, YOU BACKWATER VILLAGER!"] The First Sasha roared angrily. Winter groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, loud and clear. Use your regular voices. You don't need to scream," she growled. That answered her question though; they had a means of communication. At least the Cult didn't need to be shown how to use the tech; the First Vao had already pushed them to growing accustomed to modern technological advancements, including vehicles like tanks, mechs, and even a helicopter. "... Yin Number Two. Status report on your team."

["Our Sasha's next to me."]

"And Vao Number Two?"

There was silence. It was the Second Ironwood who answered. ["... We haven't seen him. When... When Verde died, he ran off."]

"Is he going to get himself killed again?"

["No. I hope not at least. He said something about payback then turned his mic off. He said he'd contact us if he needed help."]

Winter nodded. "... I see. Thank you, sir."

Despite her role as commanding general of New Atlas, she still saw him as her superior. The Second Ironwood was silent, not bothering to correct her. Winter walked to the window of the bullhead, staring down at the waiting armies stationed in the Royal Capital. Even from so high up, she could feel the tension crackling. They were nervous, frightened. Even the Cult looked uneasy.

The First Vao's meltdowns were something feared by everyone. That's what they were expecting when he came out of his Reality with Salem - a full-blown psychotic breakdown. The First Raven's quiet voice spoke up on the earpiece.

["M... Miss Winter...?"]

The general let out a grunt. "What?"

["D... D-do we still h-have to kill him?"]

Winter didn't answer. How could she? With the Blood's confession, it was revealed that the First Vao had wanted to avoid committing the war crimes he had committed, to reach his dream with as little damage as possible. But he had been their enemy for decades, possibly even longer. Winter was feeling very conflicted with it. To her, and millions others that the First Vao had affected, he was a monster. Many of her own soldiers had lost their entire families as a result of his murderous, borderline genocidal actions. He had devoured countless of their friends with an insatiable, twisted appetite. To hear that he had tried to fight against those urges from the very beginning, to discover how he had treated his Cult, how he viewed them as precious, put him on a level they had a hard time grasping; a human level.

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