Chapter 83: The Face of True Evil, Part One

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The golden doors were heavy when they pushed against them. So heavy that even when they pushed together, the Heroes struggled to open them. It wasn't golden paint that gave the doors their hue - they were solid gold.

"P-piss... Who the 'ell... Is grabbin' my ARSE!?" Vao hissed.

"Me!" Sapphire exclaimed behind him. Verde whipped her head around, her eyes wide.

"Hands off, please. That belongs to me."

The doors began to shift very slowly, the Heroes pushing harder. Sasha snarled, reeling her fist back and punching the metal door - only to recoil from the pain. Jasper snickered.

"P... Punching solid gold is a stupid move!"

"Shut up, Jasper!"

The doors creaked and groaned again, opening a bit wider. Yin could feel sweat rolling down his forehead. "F-fuck... Talk about... A real workout...!"

The doors groaned, finally opening just enough to squeeze through. The corridors were not what they had expected after seeing the rest of the castle. Slowly, the hallway became more extravagant, more grand. Golden walls of solid gold glimmered around them through the stained glass windows that depicted the Gods of Light and Darkness, the pillars encrusted with priceless jewels.

It was vain.

Salem scoffed, almost disgusted with the beauty. Was the God of Light really so full of himself?

They would find out as they passed through the final archway, stepping into the throne room.

Marble floors polished so wall reflected their reflections perfectly, showing them the diamond chandelier before they even looked up. The stained glass was more pristine, the golden walls gleaming in the colored sunlight that shone through. And on a throne that glittered with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, every rare jewel they could imagine, on a throne made of the same gold that surrounded them, he sat with a wine glass in one hand, and a book in the other.

Their final enemy. The God of Light.

The God looked up from his book, closing it shut gently and setting it aside before taking a small sip of his wine.

("... You have finally arrived.")

His voice was smoother than silk, untouched by any blemish. Light no longer obscured his form, revealing a man with short brown hair and golden eyes, wearing a white robe and sandals. The Heroes readied themselves, drawing their weapons. The God of Light hummed, taking another sip from his wine.

("Stay your weapons for now. I would like to speak with you.")

"The time for talk is done," Salem growled. "We already know wishing for anything is going to screw us all over. Just like the First Timeline!"

The God of Light didn't react to her shout. He only took another sip of his wine, leaning back on his throne and resting his cheek on the palm of his free hand, savouring the taste of his alcohol before swallowing.

("... This is not about wishes. I simply wanted to congratulate you for making it this far.")

The Heroes paused for a moment, quickly glancing at each other before resuming their stare down with the God. "... Congratulate?" Yin echoed. "We killed your brother, and now we're here for you. And you just want to... Congratulate us?"

The God of Light nodded. ("Indeed. Truth be told, my brother was crude, belligerent, and thought too highly of himself. A nuisance you have ridden me of, so I would not have to do it myself.")

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