Last Pizza Party in the Trap House

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I hear a groan in my half-asleep state and feel the person I'm cuddling against move their arm, probably to massage their head. I am about to fall asleep again when the hangover hits me like a truck. I groan and roll over, gathering my surroundings. I see Sam just staring at the ceiling.

"How'd we get here?" I ask.

"I don't know. I don't remember anything after the third White Claw," he responds.

"Understandable. I wonder how many we had?"

"I don't think I want to know." We go downstairs and I get aspirin and water lined up for everyone. A knock sounds at the door and I open it, just to shut it immediately after seeing Alex with some girl. Sam and Johnnie come over.

"Who was that?" Johnnie asks.

"My ex and some girl," I respond. I can feel the anger radiating off of Sam and walk over, putting my hand on his. He relaxes slightly and grabs my hand. Johnnie opens the door as another knock sounds.

"Go away, Alex," he says, sounding exasperated. 

"No," a girl's voice comes. "Alex and I want to talk to you and Storme."

"Neither of us want to talk," I say as I walk to the door with Sam behind me. Johnnie goes to close it but female Alex puts her hand on the door to stop it. Male Alex helps her open it the rest of the way.

"We just want to talk," he says.

"We don't now get out of my house!" I say.

"Your house, huh? I thought this was Elton's," he says. 

"I help pay the rent so yeah, my house as well. Same as all the roommates. Kat, Sam, Colby, Corey, Elton, Jake, and Aaron. We all help pay, so we all technically own the house," I respond. 

"And we suggest you leave," I hear the voices of all the roommates say. I smirk.

"And what if we don't?" female Alex asks.

"Authorities will get involved," Johnnie replies simply.

"What's going on?" a hungover Brennen Taylor asks as he enters from somewhere in the house. 

"Johnnie's ex and my ex wanting to talk while we try to get them out," I respond.

"Now get out," Sam says threateningly.

"No! We only want to talk!" female Alex responds.

"No! Now get out!" Johnnie retaliates, on the verge of using force. Quite frankly, so am I.

"Why can't we just talk?" male Alex asks.

"Because we don't want to!" I yell. Sirens sound and the Alex's are pulled away by the cops. Johnnie and I are quick to file restraining orders.

"I hate him," I mutter and start watching YouTube. I get so engrossed in the video, I don't realize that literally everyone is trying to talk to me. Sam, Colby, Jake, Corey, Elton, Aaron, Kat, Amanda, Tara, Dev, and Johnnie. Sam waves his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"We've been trying to get your attention for 20 minutes. What are you watching that has you so focused?" he asks.

"Johnnie's videos. They're funny and I want to get to know him better without talking because I'm a ball of anxiety," I respond.

"We were trying to tell you that the lease for the house is almost up. We all have to find either houses or apartments in order to be out in time. You should start looking. There's six months left, and it takes a bit to get everything moved," Elton explains.

"Elton's also moving out within the next two months so there will be workers to help move," Corey adds. I nod. Sam and I go up to our room. We start looking for apartments. We don't realize how much time has passed until Colby enters. 

"Hey. We're ordering pizza. Want anything?" he asks.

"One last pizza night before Elton moves out?" I ask. 

"That's why we're ordering pizza. Now what do you want?" he asks.

"Hawaiian and whatever Sam wants," I respond then go back to looking for apartments, not listening to the rest of the conversation. I find one I like. A lot. Sam and I look at each other. (Sam's at his desk on his computer while I'm on my phone on the bed.) 

"Found one," we say at the same time. We look at each other's screen and see we had found the same one. (A/N: It's Sam's apartment from all those years ago)

"Let's get this party started!" we hear Brennen yell from downstairs. I laugh and shake my head as Sam and I go down. We start partying and having a fun time.

~Time Skip brought to you by my lack of partying experience~

Sam's POV

I go up to Colby after a few hours. He's pretty drunk.

"Hey, brother!" I yell over the music.

"Hey, Sam!" he yells, his words slurring slightly.

"Do you know where Storme is?" I ask.

"Haven't seen her!" he replies then goes back to chatting with Brennen. I sigh and go to the kitchen for a White Claw. Kat comes up to me.

"Hey, Kat!" I say.

"Hey, Sammy!" Her words are slurring more than Colby's were.

"Where's Storme?" I ask.

"No idea," she says. She looks like she wants, or maybe needs, something.

"Do you want something?" I ask kindly.

"You," she replies. I walk right out without another word. I see Brandon, but still no Storme.

"Do you know where Storme is?" I ask him.

"I think I saw her retreating to the garage. Why?" he asks.

"Just hadn't seen her for a while," I respond.

"Where's Kat?" he asks.

"I just ran into her in the kitchen. She's pretty drunk so she can't have gone far," I respond. He nods and walks off towards the kitchen as I go to the garage. I see Storme in there on our beanbag.

"Hey, Sam," she says.

"Hey. Already done with the party?" I ask.

"Yeah. Some random guy I had never met came up to me and asked if I wanted to get frisky," she says. Anger swells up inside of me.

"Kat wanted to do something similar," I admit.

"She's lucky she's my best friend," Storme grumbles.

"She's also hella drunk and you should be wishing your brother luck. He went off to find her," I add.

"He'll be alright," she says. Her eyes start to close.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"Yeah," she mutters with a yawn.

"Alright. Let's crash. We can buy that apartment in the morning and get ready to move," I offer.

"Alright," she replies, her eyes already closed. I pick her up and bring her to our room. I fall asleep, comfortable with the knowledge of her in my arms.

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