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It's official I just submitted my application to be an Aupair overseas .... I'm so happy I hope the agency contacts me soon I can't wait to experience new cultures and learn some life experience.
I walked downstairs after submitting my application to go help my Mãe (mother)

olá mamãe, você gostaria que eu te ajudasse com o jantar (Hello Mama would you like me to help you with dinner )

olá, minha querida, sim, seria maravilhoso, há um avental no sorteio de cima (hello my dear yes that would be wonderful there's an apron in the top drawer)

então o que estamos fazendo, mamãe (so what are we making mama)

Bacalhau à Brás receita da vovó (grandma recipe)

ah, que delícia, meu favorito (ooh yum my favorite)

mãe ri eu conheço meu amor (mother laughs, I know my dear)

This is and will always be one of my favorite things to do with my mom is cooking it makes me so happy and one day I hope to do it with my own kids

oh mamãe, enviei minha inscrição (oh mama I sent my application)

estou feliz por você, menina (I'm happy for you babygirl

a agência disse que poderia entrar em contato comigo em 3 semanas (the agency said they might get back to me in 3 weeks)

ah, bem, enquanto isso você pode ajudar sua mãe em nosso restaurante familiar(oh well in the meantime you can help me in our family restaurant)

I can't do what I'm doing anymore especially with my line of work my son is currently lying on the backseat while I'm on my way to the warehouse and I swore to myself that I would never bring him here but I have no choice it's either leave him alone in my estate with nobody he likes and wants and the possibility
Of our estate being attacked is an 50%chance and I can't risk it
I arrive at the warehouse Matt come here

si Capo (yes boss)

custodisci il futuro re, conosci già le conseguenze se vedo anche solo un graffio (watch the future king you know the consequences if there is so much of a scratch on him)

sì capo, non ti deluderò ( yes boss I understand
I walked into the warehouse and saw my second in command Elijah

Elijah facciamo in fretta. Ryker è con me (Elijah let's make this quick Ryker is with me)

Capo perché è con te? (Boss why is he with you)

non posso lasciarlo solo (I can't leave him alone)

perché non chiedi a mia zia che lavora in quell'agenzia per ragazze alla pari(why don't you ask my aunt she work at that Aupair agency )

non so cosa succederebbe se diventassi una stronza pazza( i don't know what if i get a crazy bitch)

nah fratello, l'agenzia fa uno screening e se ci riescono mandano lì le domande (nah bro the agency does a screening and if they succeed then they send there applications)

va bene, ma il processo dipende da te e se mi procuri una stronza pazza ti farò mangiare la tua stessa merda e poi ti ucciderò (fine but the process is up to you and if you get me a crazy bitch i will make you eat your own shit and then kill you )

dannatamente bene, fidati di me (fucking fine trust me)

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