Chapter 2

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We pulled up to a heavily guarded estate these people must be insanely rich
Okay here we are I will get one of the guards to help you with your luggage in the meanwhile let me introduce you to Ryker
Okay perfect so will I be meeting Rykers mom or after
Oh I don't know about that Rykers mom is a famous Italian model and very vain she didn't really want Ryker which lead to Rykers Father taking custody and breaking up with her every know and then she will try enter Rykers life but then she abruptly leaves and the poor kids heartbroken
Oh shame poor baby nobody deserves that
Yea well fair warning Ryker is strong willed and quite domineering and to say he is a handful would be an understatement
That's okay
Okay then
RYKER RYKER vieni a conoscere la ragazza alla pari (come meet the au pair)
Does he understand English
Oh yea this is his mother tongue

wow, è carina (wow shes pretty )
Hello there I'm Ryker
Hi Ryker I'm Sorelia but you can call me Lia
Lia your very pretty
Thank you
Wanna be my girlfriend
Aww that's sweet but I can't
Your lose babe
I can't help but laugh he is so cute
Well Ryker why don't you show me your play room
That seems to catch his attention
You want to see my toys his eyes light up at the thought of course
Okay come with me I don't have dolls so I don't think you can play
Girls don't always play with dolls
Really my mom said that girls play dress up and with dolls and boys play with cars and dinosaurs but she's not really my mom she is but she doesn't like me to call her that
Well whoever she is she's wrong you can play with whatever and whomever you want okay
We arrived at his play room and wow it's like a kids heaven wow
Okay let's play with my Legos
Can I use your legos he thinks for a moment
We spent over 3hrs playing legos cars saving the princess
Now we are both hungry
Do you know where the kitchen is
Yes my dad makes the best hot chocolate
Oh wow so cool come take me to the kitchen so I can make something
Okay follow me he runs down the stairs and bolts through thousands of corridors here is the kitchen
Wow this has to be the prettiest kitchen I have ever seen
What would you like to eat
Can you even cook
I laugh a little yess I can cook my family owns a restaurant
Really so what can you make
Any Portuguese dish and other things

Arroz de pato is what I will make
What's that
It's duck rice it's really yummy
Would you like to help me make it
Really I can help you
Of course you can
While we cook together we tell jokes and story's I told him a couple of things about me
And he told me some of his favorite things it seems that he is very sheltered so I'm excited to teach him some things
Okay it's ready you wanna taste the final result
Yess please
Here you go
This is delicious ! He screams
I'm glad you like it
We must save some for daddy he would love it
Okay you can give it to him
All of a sudden a loud bang was heard and sono a casa, sono venuto da papà, ragazzo mio (i'm home come to daddy my boy)
PAPA Ryker screamed and ran to the front door I follow suit

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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