Chapter 10

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~ Niko ~
Why is she ignoring me? It's been 2 days since she broke up with her stupid boyfriend.
I'm happy that she took my advice but she didn't come running to me or even called me since.
She kissed me, and then said it's a mistake and to forget about it. She didn't regret it, I know she doesn't by the way she looked away when I caught her looking at me in Calculas. She was biting her fucking lip and I know she wants me.
But, she told me to forget it, be friends like we were before and then she's been ignoring me. Didn't even ask what I wanted, that I didn't want to be friends with her.
So, I got a little mad and I have gone back to pretending she doesn't exist. I haven't acknowledged her in passing or talked to her in class.
I'm being petty but she's fucking with every brain cell on my head.

I try to shake out of my thoughts and go back to staring at the monitor, it is still loading the update. I've been working on a new project for the past 3 hours, sitting on my desk in the backroom office at Uphoria.
A few more minutes until the upload is complete and I can go home.
I check my phone and then text Dahlia asking where she is.
She replies that she is here but at the club and doesn't feel like working.
She likes to finish up early in the backroom and party the rest of her working hours but I don't mind it. The work's always done.
The monitor pings and I look up. Work's done, and I get up to leave through the back exit.
I'm tired, I run my fingers through my hair and think about my options.
Go home when I know all I'm going to do is try not to think about a certain blonde princess or maybe I'll just go drink with Lia, my best friend until I forget about her blonde best friend.
I sat down at the bar and Sam grinned at me. I'm sure the look I gave him says 'why the fuck are you so chirpy' and said, "Vodka, lot of it."
He poured me a glass and started explaining without even asking, "Lia brought her friends and they're fucking hot"
My eye brows furrowed wondering what friends he's referring to.
Sam already knows her hacker friends, party friends who are regulars here. Lia fits in among guys better than girls, the only girl-friends she has are from school.
That means Cami could be here, what the fuck!!!!
My blood boils and goes straight to my dick when I look to the dance floor and see Lia dancing with 3 other girls from school, one of them is Amy I think. She offered to show me around school and buy me Coffee, basically she hit on me.
And then there is Lia's other self absorbed, annoying and ignorant friend who happens to be the woman of my dreams.
It's a fucking school night, Cami doesn't go out on a school night, unless.... fucking Lia.
I throw my drink back and before I can go off on Lia, I call my sister because she is not allowed to go out this late and I want to make sure she's at home.
"Sofia, where are you?" I ask as soon as she picks up.
"At home, I was about to go to sleep."
"So you're not with Lia, right?" I ask as I check the location of her phone and the backup tracker in her watch. Yep she's home.
"No, she invited me out but I said no. I didn't want to deal with you when I'd get caught."
I smirk forms on my lips, finally my twin grew a brain.
"Good" I say and add with sarcasm, "thank you for listening to me for once"
"Fuck you Niko, good night."
"Night baby sis" I say and hang up.
Now that I have one problem tucked in bed, I turn my attention back to the dance floor.
Her blonde hair has been curled and they flow down her back. Her silver mini dress glimmers in the dim lights of the club. It's probably not even hers, she brings her hair to one side and I devour the view of the backless dress. She turns and says something to Amy and for the first time tonight I get a glimpse of her face. She's smiling, as if she could feel my gaze on her she looks in my direction and our eyes meet.
Her eyes go wide and smile falters, I hold her gaze because I can never seem to look away when our eyes meet. No matter how much I'm trying to avoid her.
She looks away first and I storm towards Lia, not even looking toward Mila or I'd get the urge to to kiss her. Lia greets my glare with a hug, "Niko, come join the partyyyy" I drag her away from her friends,
"I don't mind your revels Lia but What. The. Fuck. Is. Mila. Doing. Here." I ask her trying to keep my voice as low as possible.
"I invited her for a drink, you're the one who tells me to be safe and keep her safe. And this is the safest club." she replies and shrugs. She has a point, I'm glad Mila's not at some bar where other guys can hit on her. I look around and spot Greg, that's good too.
"And half the girls of our fucking class. This is just a front, they can't know what goes on here Lia." I tell her.
"I know, chill. They think it's a random club. I didn't tell them it was yours"
"I don't care, you shouldn't have brought them here. They'd come again, you and I are here all the time. They'll wonder why, you idiot!!!" I whisper shout.
"I'm sorry. Won't happen again" she says and I nod trying to calm myself.
I take her back to her friends, "Hey ladies, she's had a little too much. Can you guys take her home?" I ask.
The brunette Lia keeps stalking on instagram says, "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's okay" and takes her in her arms.
I never thought Lia would actually go out with her.
I can see Mila in the corner of my eye, she's a few feet away dancing with Amy and she tries to ignore me and pretend she isn't listening to our conversation.
"I'm Niko" I say trying to be polite.
"I'm Kira, we have Spanish together but we haven't met."
"I'm sorry, but I have to say, you're very pretty Kira" I say and smirk at Lia and she glares at me in return.
"Thank you, Niko"
"My best friend here was just telling me how much she admires those hazel eyes of yours" I add
Kira blushes and looks at Lia beside her.
I leave them and start walking to the bar again but I here my name from behind me, "Niko"
I turn hoping to see a blonde princess even though it wasn't her voice. I see Amy coming toward me, "help me get us some drinks" she says.
I nod and we walk back to the bar, she tells Sam all the drinks.
I smile hearing diet coke in the middle of the list of alcohol and tell him to get me a vodka.
She leans on the bar and says "Guess drinks are better than coffee" I sigh, she's still hitting on me.
I try to give her genuine smile and say, "I'm sorry, um Amy. I'm kind of seeing..." I pause to look behind her and at Mila, she's staring at us and I smirk. I hope she's jealous. I continue "..someone else"
Amy's smile fades but I say, "but I'll join you guys, if you don't mind.."
"Yeah sure" she says.
We pick up the drinks and I make sure to get the diet coke before we head back.
Amy goes to Kira and hands her the drink then to the other girl. I walk straight to Camilla, she gives me wobly smile and says hey. She acts like nothing's wrong and she's not ignoring me.
I just hold both drinks out, "diet coke or.. Vodka?" I ask.
She sucks in a breath like she just remembered what happend after the Vodka and I smirk.
"Niko, we agreed to forget about.." I interrupt her, "you told me to forget, we didn't agree"
I take a sip of her coke, Amy's back and she furrows her brows at Camilla's face, I explain, "Diet coke bores her. She likes the taste of Vodka but regrets it in the morning."
Her face turns red and she takes the coke from me and drinks silently.
I sip on my drink and ask Amy, "Amy what do you do if someone kisses you, said they wanted to be friends and then ignores you?"
I clench my jaw unknowingly even though I have a smirk on my face.
Amy asks, "Do you want to be friends with them?"
I stop looking toward Amy and turn to Mila, and say "I was friends with her, now I don't want to be."
"Then you should just tell them how you feel" she replies
"I tried, she wouldn't listen. She's ignoring me" I say to Amy with an exhausted smile.
"I'm sorry" Amy says keeping her hand on my arm. Then she looks at Camilla glaring at my side, I can feel her glaring at me.

I keep my eyes on Amy and say, "you're a good friend Amy"
That did it, Camilla moves from my side to stand in front of me and I look at her angry face.
"Niko, come with me" she says removing Amy's hand and then smiles at Amy, "I'm tired. Tell Dahlia I went home, bye"
She all but drags me to the hallway to the bathroom, Greg follows closely. When we're alone she opens her mouth to say something but looks behind me, probably at Greg.
"Stay there Greg, I'll be out in a minute." She says and opens the bathroom door. We go inside, she closes and locks the door. She walks over to see if someone's here but luckily all the stalls are empty. I just lean against the door.
She furiously walks toward me starts,
"I'm ignoring you because I don't know what to do, I told you to forget, that I want us be friends but you don't.. And you are ignoring me too, well worse, you're pretending I don't exist."
She didn't realize but she's stepped so close to me. She's tall, and with heels her eyes reach to where my mouth is but she has to look up to meet my gaze.
"You look so pretty when you're angry" is all I say in a whisper.
"What?" She asks in confusion and takes a step back.
I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and let my fingers trail over her neck, shoulder and arm before holding her hand.
I can feel her breath hitching and her heart beating so fast.
Calmly I ask, "If you're done telling me what you want and what you think, may I speak?"
She doesn't reply, she nods and looks into my eyes.
In a swift moment I spin us until her back is against the door and my hands pin her waist in place.
She gasps but doesn't try to get out of my hold.
"Listen to me Camilla, I'll only say this once..." I start.
She swallows, her blue-grey eyes swirling with fear and lust from my dangerous tone.
"You stopped being friends when you moved to New York, I forgave you. You said you'd do better, I asked you to text me, you didn't. I expected that so I'm not mad. But..."
I pause and take a breath before continuing, "I wanted you even before you kissed me, I didn't think you felt the same. Then you kissed me. You say you want to forget and be friends but I don't want that, I can't fucking forget. Do you understand?"
I ask and she whispers "yes"
"Good, I'm sorry for pretending you don't exist, I won't do it again. You stop ignoring me when you don't know what to do, okay?"
"Yes" she whispers again and her eyes flick to my lips before they come back to my eyes.
She inhales and takes a moment to think and says, "But won't it be complicated, our parents are friends, we have the same friends, your sister is my best friend. My dad will probably kill you" she says and chuckles nervously.
I don't know how she can still think logically. I feel like my brain is numb when she's around, like I'm high. She's right, it's a bad idea, everything will get complicated and I know what my diplomatic princess means, 'if we break up.'
What she doesn't know is that once I have her, I'm never letting go.
I tell her the truth,
"I don't fucking care. I want you Camilla. What do you want?" I ask and my heart hammers in my chest, I know she wants me, I see how she reacts to my touch but I want to hear it from her.
She just says, "fuck it" and slams her lips on mine.

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