The Start Of Something Childish

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It was a normal day for Jeffery, he had slept late and got out of bed early, man this island was really fucking with his schedule. He got up and went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth with his favorite toothpaste, a 9 year olds spit. He then began to groom his hair, but he wished he could do it to more children instead
After finishing his morning routine, he put on his child-skin slippers and walked out to sunbathe naked while a few children were tied to a tree and were dehydrated. He lay down in front of them and smirked,
"Miss your daddy?" He asks in a raspy voice and continues sunbathing.
He suddenly jolts up in realisation.
Oh no! I forgot to call Stephen! I can't believe I forgot! He is going to be soo mad, but I can't bear to lose him
He then runs to the telephone whoch is in the shape of an infant, and dials Stephens phone number. The phone is received and a robotic voice answers
"Hello? Jeffery? Is that you?"
Oh, how I've longed to hear this voice
Jeffery thought to himself.
"Yes Stephen" He said softly
"It is me"
"Why did it take you so long to call? Are you okay?"
"I thought you would be mad at me"
Jeffery answers with a slight pout
"I could never be mad at you"
Jeffery smiles a bit,
He mumbles something incoherent under his breath which Stephen couldn't really hear.
Jeffery then continues,
"Stephen, would you like to come over to the island today? I'll arrange the helicopter and everything just tell me if you want to come, we'll spend the day together!" He asks shyly, stuttering a bit.
"Of course I would Jeff! When will the helicopter arrive?"
Jeffery secretly smiled to himself
"In an hour, be ready Hawking!"
And with that he cut the phone.

He jumped up and down with joy, only wishing he could jump on Stephen instead.
He then made a few calls to arrange a helicopter after which he went into the attached outhouse.
He went in and saw all of the children playing and he began to pick out the shortest ones. Why? Because Stephen liked them. And he liked Stephen.
An hour passed by within the snap of a finger, Stephen was soon going to arrive and Jeffery could not wait.
As soon as Stephen landed, Jeff went to him and smiled
"Hi" he said softly
"Hi" the robotic voice replied, but Jeff was sure he could see a sparkle in Stephens eyes.
Jeff took ahole of Stephens wheelchair and took him to the basement, where he kept the short children and when Stephen saw them, he let out a low moan, which turned Jeff on
"Y-you like them Stephen? I p-picked them out f-for you"
In turn, Stephen pulled Jeff close to him and said,
"Good boy"
To which Jeff let out a whine.
"Now, which one should I pick?"

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