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I ran down the stairs as soon as I heard a car horn outside. As I got outside, I saw my boyfriend in his car waiting for me. I went up to the car and got in.

"Hey babe!" Suho said as he leaned over to the passenger's side and kisses me on my cheek.

"Hi" I greeted back as he started the engine and drove us to school. We were at school in ten minutes and we both got out.

"I have to see my science teacher about an assignment, so I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Suho told me.

"Okay" I saud then he kiss my cheek before we part our ways. He was always meeting lectures a lot lately. I also noticed that he was avoiding me most of the times and cancelling our dates more often.

Suho and I have been dating for a year now, but recently. I've realised that he had become distant. Shaking my head of Suho's weird behaviour, I went into the school's building.

"Jisoo!" I heard my best friend, Nayeon shouted as I walked down the hall way. I turn around and see her walking up to catch up with me.

Nayeon was a great friend of mine. She has a funny personality and would always brighten up my mood whenever I was upset. It was a good thing that I have known someone like her. "Hey Yeonnie!" I greeted when she reached in front of me.

"Hey Chu, my mom is inviting you for dinner tonight!" Nayeon said her cute like voice as we walked down the hall together.

"Why? What's the occasion?" I asked immediately upon hearing that.

"There is no occasion. She is cooking her famous croquettes tonight and you know how she gets when she cooks her favourite Korean meal" she said while rolling her eyes. "She wants to share it with everyone.

I laughed after hearing what she said. "Well your mother is a great cook. How can I say no?"

"Good. You don't want to disappoint her" Nayeon spoke as I shook my head while thinking about Nayeon's mother live for cooking. She is like my second mother and I tell you, she really loves to spoil me.

Nayeon and talked about random things as we head to our homeroom. After roll call, we head to our AP Chemistry class, which we have together.

The day passed by in a blur and now it was the end of the day. I left my last class and went to my locker to get the books that I would need. I looked up to see Nayeon walking towards me.

"Are you ready?" She asked when she reached me.

"Yeah, let's go" I said, as I closed my locker. As we walk a few away from there, but suddenly I slapped my face with my palm when i remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot. I need to go up to the library to get some books. Wait here, I'll be right back" Nayeon nods, as I quickly walked from her and went in the direction of the library.

I reached the library and got the books that I needed and was now hurrily running back to meet my bestie through the halls. Because of my movements, one of the books which I was carrying fell from my hands. I sighed and stopped on my tracks then pick it up from the floor.

During the time I bend down to get the book. I heard hushed whispering and heavy breathing come from the science lab that I just standing in front of. I just shrugged it off and was about to ignore whatever that is, but when I heard a really familiar voice. I halt on my step again and this time walk closer to the not closing door and listening for a while to make sure I heard that voice right or wrong. And it come out I'm not wrong, it was exactly Suho's voice.

But what was he doing here? I thought he had leave early after school because he told me that he needs to run some errands for his mother? Or is he has something to do in science lab?

As I can't stand still and being curious, I open the door gently and peeled in. What I saw in front of my eyes, had me in total shock. At the corner of the science lab there stood Suho with a girl wrapped in his arms and there were making out intensely. Suho has his back facing me when the girl had her eyes closed, that's why they didn't notice my presence and just continue doing their lustfully action in the science lab room.

Paralyzed with disbelief, I didn't do anything but state at them. The girl had both her arms around his neck and he had an arm on her waist and the other one on her though, rubbing it up and down. The girl was familiar to someone I knew.

"So I see that this is your extracurricular activity huh?!" I yelled, my voice dripping with hostility.

As soon as I spoke, both Suho and that girl pulled away quickly. They both turn to look around at me with a startled and guilty expression. I look at Suho in disbelief and then shift my gaze at the girl who I once thought of a nice girl. Her name was Irene and she was a very shy girl. At least I thought she was. I guess she had me fooled.

"Babe, please I can explain" After a while, I came back to my sense and my anger took over me after hearing the cheater's voice. He said as he moved away from Irene and walked over to react me but I step back to distance myself away.

"I'm sure you can, Suho. if I'm not here and not fucking seeing with my own two eyes. I'm sure you can fool me with your fucking excuses. But not now, I already saw with my eyes that you and this girl were playing trick me" I raise my voice, crossing my arms. He went silent and just look at me.

"To be honest, I really don't care. And from now on we are a stranger. Don't ever come to me ever again. I don't want to see your fucking anymore!" I yelled right on his face as I stepped away from the door, storming away as soon as possible from there.

I ran down the hall as quickly as I can before Suho could even follow me. Tears blurred my vision as I ran. I can't believe he used me like that. I thought he cared about me, but it turn out I was wrong.

The tears that I was trying to hold back finally came, but I didn't stop. I continue to walk back to my locker, where Nayeon was still standing. I collapsed in tears in her arms as soon as I reached her.

To be continue....

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