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a/n: SMG3 and SMG4 close up the cafe. They banter along the way.


SMG3 did a full-body stretch as he sauntered over to the cafe's entrance, locking it with a huff. Today was long, way too long. It also didn't help that he received a message from SMG4 just that morning, declaring that he wouldn't be able to show up that day for work. They weren't too busy that day, fortunately, but that didn't make it any less draining. He stepped over to Eggdog and patted his soft fur. Three was ready to clean and close up the shop, marching toward the backroom when he heard the sound of frantic knocking. He spun around, taking notice of a blue- and white-dressed man banging his fists on the glass of his front door. He raised both his brows, furrowing them right after as you stomped over to the other. Unlocking the door, he was prepared to drop a snarky comment, but froze as his body was engulfed by SMG4's arms. He felt his face flush. "Oi, idiot!! What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry I was so busy today. I wanted to make up for it by helping you close up. Is that okay?" Four lifted his head, pulling back slightly to align their eyes.

Three was all too focused on the warmth radiating from the other's body to come up with a response. Even after being together for a few weeks, he couldn't stop that swirling feeling in his stomach whenever they even dared touch. Raising his hands, he softly pushed the other away. Sighing, he turned around, ushering Four to follow him as he continued his journey to the back. "Well, if you insist, I can't say no to your fruity ass."

The presence of SMG4 right behind Three was notable. The fourth meme guardian giggled at the comment. "I remember when you refused to let me help you no matter what. Will it really be this easy now?"

"Don't push it." SMG3 rolled his eyes, handing the other a mop and gesturing toward the bucket on the floor. "Since you decided to leave me hanging, you're mopping, my underling."

SMG4 stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry and then mumbling complaints. Reaching for the bucket, he dragged the items to the front and began mopping. Three joined him in the area, wiping down tables. They both rushed themselves, finishing soon after they started. Four watched SMG3 as he slid behind the counter. SMG4 tilted his head, joining him. He wrapped his arms around the purple man, feeling him jump under his touch. Four hummed. "What are we doing now?"

Grabbing a bottle of soap and flipping on some hot water, Three began cleaning dishes. He handled a mug and washcloth, deep-cleaning the cup. "I'll wash the dishes while you sit still and look pretty, all right?"

"You think I'm pretty?"

A scoff. "Quite the opposite, actually."

SMG4 squeezed the other, causing the man to let out a cough. SMG3 then elbowed him in the face, making him let go with a whine. "Ugh, you're such an ass! Always so mean for no reason..."

"You're distracting me from my work, of course I'm going to be mean," he placed a mug in the drying rack, turning around with his arms crossed. He realised the other man was pouting, and he already knew where this was going.

"I'm trying to help you relax. I know I suck for not being able to show up today, and I want to make up for it. Let me make it up for you, Three."

Three wished he wasn't such a softie for this man. Exhaling, he grabbed a cloth to dry his hands. Flipping it over his shoulder, he leaned into Four, pushing his face into his shoulder. He lifted his hands, placing a gentle grip around the other's body. He felt warm, and SMG4's face was suddenly burning at the unexpected affection.

"Fine, you idiot. Keep quiet and help me relax, okay?"

SMG4 listened, wrapping his arms back around him, where they truly belonged. They both stood in silence, the Sun dipping below the horizon. The lighting was perfect, and everything was comforting in that one single moment. They loved each other, sickeningly enough. Then, they both were pulled out of it as Eggdog barked at their feet, making them both giggle and pamper the little meme.

They left the building, loving each other just a little bit more.

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