Spooky Carn-Evil

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3rd POV

The scene opens up to the hotel as Bendy walks up to the door. Once he opens it he is tackled to the ground by Niffty.

Bendy: Oof!

Niffty smiles and looks at Bendy with shimmering eyes... or eye...

Niffty: welcome back!

Bendy: Did ya miss me that much?

Angel: You're all she talks about!

She walks up and offers her hand and helps Bendy to his feet.

Angel: Its always "When's Bendy coming back?" Or "Where's Bendy?!" She's obsessed with you!

Bendy: I'm sure you're exaggerating.

They both glance at Nifty as she crawls on Bendy's body like its a jungle-gym. Angel gives Bendy a "told you so" look and he just rolls his eyes.

Bendy: Let's just go find the others...

The trio walk through the doors and Bendy waves to Husk and the cat demon just nods in acknowledgment of his presence. Angel plops down on the couch and Niffty hops off of Bendy and scurries off as Bendy goes up the stairs. He passes a couple of succubi and they look at him with lust in their eyes, but he ignores them and knocks on Charlie's door.

Charlie: One second!

Several sounds of things falling over and crashing can be heard behind the door and after a few seconds Charlie opens the door and beams when she sees Bendy.

Charlie: Bendy!

She wraps her arms around him and he pats her on the head.

Charlie: How have you been?

Bendy: I've been amazing! How about you?

Charlie and Bendy walk to the stairs and pass by an incubus.

Charlie: oh, the hotel is doing great! We even got a few new clients!

Bendy: That's great news. But I asked how you were doing.

Charlie blushes as they walk into the lobby.

Charlie: Well, Vaggie and the others have been really supportive! Even Alastor has helped with a few activities!

Bendy nods and they both turn to Vaggie as she approaches.

Vaggie: Bendy, good to see you again.

Bendy: Likewise.

Vaggie nods and turns to Charlie.

Vaggie: Are we still taking them to the festival?

Charlie: Yeah, of course we are!

She turns to Bendy and smiles.

Charlie: Do you want to tag along?

Bendy: Gimme a sec...

He pulls out his phone and calls Blitzo. We then see Blitzo hanging from the fan on his office ceiling by his tail. His phone buzzes and he falls to the ground, he picks up his phone and answers it.

Blitzo: Hey Bendy, what's up?

Bendy: Can I have the day off?

Blitzo looks at a notebook and shrugs his shoulders.

Blitzo: Sure, you've practically carried this company out of bankruptcy since you joined!

Bendy: Thanks boss! Oh, and tell Loona I said hi!

He hangs up the phone and smiles at the two girls.

Bendy: I'm free today, so yeah!

Charlie beams as Vaggie smiles.

The Ink demon (Bendy x helluva boss/hazbin hotel)Where stories live. Discover now