Chapter 4: We Are Severly Judged By an Annoying Old Hat

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A/N: I apologize beforehand for Hagrid's accent, I'll get it soon enough.

Piper POV

Right when we got off the the train, we saw the giant. I mean, he was definitely not a full giant, only being about 10 feet tall, but he definitely wasn't human.

"Hagrid!" Harry called. The sort-of-giant turned, revealing his humongous beard. Like, seriously, it was big enough to fit all the demigods' pets, maybe even more.

"Ah, 'arry, Ron, er'mione. An', ah! You lot mus' be them exchange stu'ents. Welcome to Hogwarts!" He said in a kinda West Country accent. Once, my dad was playing a character with that accent and I helped him perfect it. But, that wasn't what I focused on. Hagrid's wink was. He winked in a way that said I know, I'm on your side and was very genuine. He seemed to have an extremely hard time lying, but at least we knew he was with us.

The demigods sighed in relief. "Yep!" I said, being the resident talker of our group, along with Annabeth. "I'm Piper, that's Leo, Annabeth, Hazel, Nico, Will, and Percy. It's nice to meet you!" I held my hand out for a handshake and he took it, his hand engulfing mine.

"S'good to meet yeh too. You lot'll be goin' with me an' the firs' years, since yeh still to ter get sorted. Come along!" Said Hagrid, still seeming very friendly.

Once he had gathered all the first years, we followed him at the back of the group, the 11 year olds looking at us strangely. Makes sense, most of us(Nico, Leo, and Hazel were actually pretty close to the heights of the tallest first years, one even being taller than them) towered over them, Percy and Annabeth especially. They were very scared of Annabeth, who was now the tallest because Percy apparently had a crazy growth spurt when he was like, 15 or 16. He was now a little shorter than his girlfriend, which he didn't seem happy about.

After the very short walk, we made it to a giant lake. Percy was bouncing on the balls of his feet, having been told about the giant squid in there by Harry. We got onto rowboats, me, Leo, Percy, and Annabeth in one and Hazel third wheeling with Nico and Will in another. A very small, hyper kid joined their boat, asking them about a million questions at a time. Nico looked like he might die from it.

I smiled. After Jason's death(😭), we had become pretty close friends, despite my doubts about him before. He even gave me advice about my sexuality, which I'm still not sure about, and now I'm just as much as a queer mess as I was during that Iris message. So, in the middle of the lake, when he may or may not have pushed the little boy out of his boat, I didn't say anything. Neither did the boy, he actually seemed pretty happy about it. Will, however, scolded Death Breath in Greek. I heard a little snippet of "that's the fifth time this week that you followed through on your threats!" It was Monday, but I understood it. I mean, to be fair, he did apparently warn the boy.

Percy made sure the boy didn't drown, after being snapped out of some fish-Jesus conversation with some creatures in the lake by Annabeth. Leo tapped me on the shoulder a couple dozen times.

"Look. Look. Look," he whispered with each tap.

"What?" I said. He pulled out a lipstick. "If you made my shoulder numb for some lipstick," I started, but he shut me up with the push of a button. The lipstick turned into a small pocket knife. "Cool!"

"I am cool. This thing's made outta Celestial bronze, can expand to be the size of a normal dagger, and can be used as a taser if you held this button. That was kinda an accident," Leo ranted. "Anyways, it's yours!"

"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed. That thing was awesome.

"Yeah! I'm making one for all our friends, but I still need to do a bunch of planning for theirs. This was supposed to be Cal's, but I won't see her in person for a while, and I have an even better idea fo her's. So, it's all your's, Pipes," said Leo with a grin on his face.

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