Chapter 2 ~ David

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David ~

Tuesday, the worst day of the week, because you're no longer feeling guilty that its Monday and you should be energetic but it isn't anywhere close to the end of the week either and that simply sucks. I really don't expect this specific Tuesday to be any better or worse.

My day starts with several messages from Liam and Sean. They're both class guys, and act like the gayest fuckers in the world which just proves their straightness, but neither in my class so its really just messages and breaktimes we spend together. And they're both in the same class too, so another bonus point for them.

jesus fucking christ wake up you fat gyatt rat 

I don't have to double check to know its from Liam. And he sent it an entire hour and a half ago? For the love of God its like 7:30 AM, the lad's mental.

Liam is like a fucking superpower. He's been playing football since the age of four and gets trained by some professional international player whose name I cannot be arsed to remember. 

He goes on the bus to get back home at 4:30, close to an hour after school finishes. 

He trains every single day for two hours and three each weekend plus a match every Sunday. 

He still manages to score Distinctions in every single test. Of course, he has that mentally smart Indian girl in his class helping him, God knows why, but even when she's not there whispering answers in his ear he gets 75s and 80s every class and term test without fail. 

And he had the maddest glow up since first year and now looks unrecognisable, two years later in third year. We all lost baby fat. Liam gained it back in pain tolerance. Lad got his knee dislocated in fucking PE and didn't notice until two days later.

For fuck's sake, it sounds like I'm fangirling him.

Sean's just always there, Liam's little sidekick. Quite literally little. The guy's 5'2 and Liam is 5'8. Liam is a tiny bit above average height for 15 year old teens. Try picture Sean now.

I stand in front of my mirror and try my best to find some resemblance of muscle or strength or anything - nothing in comparison to Liam. 

But now it's time I get ready for school. It takes me extra long to get ready because although it's water resistant, it's not waterproof, and I always try extra hard to keep my CGM completely dry anyway.

I get dressed up at the speed of light today, purely because I spent too look gawking at myself in the mirror, trying to find something for someone else to gawk at. Nothing, as mentioned already. 

And I miss eating fucking normal food. For God's sake, what did I do be condemned to a lifetime of whole grain bread? And nothing, nothing I say, that is not pure fibre. Jesus Christ, I'm tired. You hear me up there, big man? 

Grabbing another and another peanut butter covered apple slice (forgetting that it'll get my fingers messy) I scram out of the door. Forgot my tie. Not a single teacher will say a word anyway, so there's no point in turning back. 

Irish today too, and project presentations? Nope. Not today. I'd rather beg my mum to pick me up before I subject myself to such torture. 

I only realise a few moments later that I had stopped in my tracks because of how deeply I was thinking. It wasn't even like I was reconsidering every choice in my life, I don't know why my body responds like that. 

It's not like anyone does anyway. 

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