Chapter 10:Ash vs Alder part 2

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Previously on "the one and only Pokémon master"

Decidueye keeps using all his strength continuously flies up, up, up and up until he reaches the highest point that he can

Ash:That's it now! release him and taking him down with Brick Break!!

Decidueye let's go of Buffalo who begins to fall slowly which changes quickly when Decidueye comes him dive kicking Buffalo on his chest and making him reach the ground much faster, as a crater appears below the two, everyone looked on waiting to see if this decided it all and it does since we see Decidueye standing over a fainted Buffalo

Referee: *sees that Buffalo fainted* Buffalo's unable to battle *points one of his flags towards Ash* which means Decidueye is the winner!

The stood up and roared in cheers and Ash's friends celebrated the first victory while the champions smiled up above in the VIP area, but Iris celebrated the victory, as Decidueye who's breathing heavily slowly looks up at the crowd and is marveled at the sight, so many people cheering for his victory, as then he turns to his trainers and sees his warm smile and the cheers of two of his brothers Raichu and Pawmot

Decidueye: *walks towards them and folds his wings* Decidueye

Raichu:Rai Raichu!

Pawmot:Paw! Paw!

Ash:That was awesome Decidueye *places his hand on it's shoulder* well done my friend you did amazingly *smiles proudly*

Devidueye:Decidue *smiles*

Ash:Return for now *takes out a pokeball* you've done enough on the first battle leave the rest to him

Decidueye nods and Ash returns him, as he gives the pokeball one good smile before putting him away and turning to Alder who's returning Buffalo to its pokeball

Alder:Well done my friend, you fought incredibly and spectacularly, so rest because you deserve it *puts the pokeball away and turns to Ash* truly that was a battle hehehe I almost thought that Buffalo and Devidueye were our only pokemon left and this was the final battle

Ash:Thankfully it's not *grabs a pokeball* we still got one more to go!

Raichu:Rai Rai!


Alder:Right! *grabs a pokeball* be ready my boy because after bought I will not hold back anymore *extends his pokeball* this right here is the ace of my team

Ash: *smiles* I can't wait to meet them

P.Oak:It would seem our two trainers are already inching for the next battle

Scott:And it seems they already know who to pick, ref!

Referee:Trainers! bring out you're next Pokémon!

Alder:Go! *throws the pokeball upwards* Volcarona!

Out the blue light of the pokeball a moth like Pokemon emerges, few knew of this being, as many thought this Pokémon was once part of the very heavens itself, a legendary pokemon that all could have and all could use


P.Oak:Oh my *chuckles* to think I would see such a majestic creature in person

Scott:Quite the beauty isn't he?

With Ash he smiles confidently at the sight of Volcarona while his two electric types stare at it in amazement

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