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I took Emma's hand and ran into the woods. We kept running until we were far enough away from the drama. We were breathing heavily


I shouted, slamming my fist into a tree.

"Robin calm down."

"How could this happen! Our perfect life was over in an instant. Fuck!"

I screamed to her. She starts to look worried and scared.


I said and calmed down.

"It's okay, we need to find where we can sleep it's getting dark"

She said and I nodded. I followed her. We kept walking and walking until we came across a loft.

"There yes!"

Emma points at the loft. We run to the cabinet. We knocked on the door nobody answered. The door opens.

"Is this safe?"

She said.

"Yes don't worry."

I took a strong branch that lay on the ground and stood ready to hit. We walked carefully into the loft. There was no one.

"It's safe"

I said and throw the branch outside and closed the door.

"It's pretty cozy in here."

She said and let her fall on the couch. I also let me fall on the couch.

"What the fuck is happening in the world"

I said and lay my head back and looked at the ceiling. She looked at me.

"I don't know, I really don't know, I just wanna go home."

"Same, I'm gonna look for food and drinks."

I stand up and walked to the kitchen.

"I will try to contact my family"


I looked in the fridge there was some chicken.

"I think we're having chicken tonight"

I said.


She was still busy trying to call her parents. I never knew any parents, I was adopted and I ran away when I was 14.

"So I will start cooking"

I said.


I started to cook. Little later it was done. I served on the table. She sat on table.

"Were you able to contact anyone?"

I asked her while eating.


She looked down. I know her she wanted to cry.

"It's okay you still have me"

I try to comfort her.


She smiled at me. After diner we went to sleep.

"Do you think it's safe to sleep here?"

She asked while I was making my bed ready.

"It will, don't worry"

She layed down in her bed.

"Good night Robin"

"Good night"

She is trying to sleep while I stay wake for a bit longer. A little later I think she fell asleep. I stand up and looked tough the window. All I see is a dark woods no movements no sound no cars no people laughing. I closed my eyes. Then I heard a gun shot, But it was far away. I closed the curtains and went back to bed. So there are still people out here trying to survive, shall we try to find them? I don't know. A little while later I fell asleep.

To be continued ★

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