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We woke up at 6am to banging on the door. I jumped out of bed and went downstairs. Emma followed me from behind. I took a knife from the kitchen, Emma looked through the window.

"It's one of these zombies"

She said. Then I nodded and went to the door.

"You open the door while I will kill that bastard"

I said. She went to the doorknob and I counted down.


She opened the door with a jerk and I stabbed the knife into Zombie heart. But the zombie was still alive and took my arm I screamed.


I shouted and tried to pull my arm away but he had a good grip on it. Then Emma ran into the kitchen and took a knife and stuck it in the zombies head. She pulled me away and closed the door again.

"You okay?"

She asked worried.


I say still in shock.

"I think you need to destroy their heads"

She said and I looked at her and nodded.

"Let me look if your hurt."

She looked at my arms.

"I'm fine"

I say.

"We will move on."

"To where?"

She asked.

"It's not gonna be safe here anymore we need to find a safe place."

I said and sighed.

"Yes, but it's not safe to go out there."

"Last night I heard a gunshot."

I saided.

"Yeah but it also can be the zombies"

"Zombies who shoot wooow."

I said and rolled my eyes. I sat down in the couch.

"Okay then let's pack our stuff and food and drinks."


I said. We took a backpack that we found in a closet of the loft. We also took a tent and drinks and food with us, we also took a flashlight and a lighter.

"Do you have everything you need?"

She asked


Finally, I took some knives and things to fight the zombies. We opened the door of the loft. The zombie was rotting in front of the door, we walked over it. We started walking where I heard a gunshot.

"So how far was it?"

Emma asked.

"Yeahhhh pretty far"

She sigh and groan. While walking we talked about random shit. Moments later.

"Aren't you hungry, we didn't eat breakfast."

She asked as she eat a sandwich.

"No not really"

I said. We kept walking and talking until we heard screaming. It was a little girl screaming. We ran to the scream. While we were there we saw a little girl hiding behind a tree stump and a zombie looking for her. I took my bat and ran towards the zombie while Emma went to the girl and protected her. I hit the zombies head. It was dead.

"Are you okay?!"

Emma asked the little girl. The little girl nodded in shock. I went to them and gave the little girl my coat, she was freezing.

"Where u from?"

I asked.

"My mother told me to run away. I don't know what happened I ran and ran"

She says.

"What's your name honey?"

Emma asked


She said


"9. Can I be with you guys?"

Sha asked.

"Yes ofc we are here to protect you"

Emma said. Hugging her. I just nodded.

"Let's make our tent, it's getting dark"

I said. Emma nodded. We were making the tent. Little later I started a campfire. And I started cooking while Emma and Lilith were talking and laughing.

"Diner is ready"

I said and give them the soup.

"Thank you...?

"Robin that's my name"

I said to Lilith

"Thank you Robin"

Lilith said. I nodded and smiles to her. Little later it was dark and we went to sleep, I mean I stayed awake to kill the zombies if they came.

"Good night Robin and Emma"

Lilith said

"Good night Lilith"

"Good night"

I then went to sit at the campfire and eat some cookies. I heard a crack. I looked around me with the bad on my schouders.
Then a rabbit jumped out the bushes.


Little later it was Emma time to watch over and I went to sleep in the tent.

To be continued★

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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