Chapter 10: Breakout

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TW: Death

Yellow looks over at Blue as he enters the room, with tears in his eyes he rushes over and hugs Blue tightly. Blue hugs back immediately and without haste. Blue hugs Yellow tightly, his nails start to sink into Yellow a bit but he doesn't care or mind.

Right now all he cares about is being in the moment and trying to forget about everything else, but that seems harder when then you think when the thing that's wrong is not even rooms away.

Yellow takes a breath of relief now knowing at least one if his friends are safe and some what okay. " I've missed you..." Yellow speaks in a somewhat shakey voice, he sniffles. His yellow feathers glow brightly as he smiles truly for the first time in months. Blue berry's his head into Yellow's chest as he crys both tears of joy and tears of pain. Blue starts glows brightly as well.

Blue sniffels and coughs " I-ive m-miss-ed yo-u to..." His voice is low and muffled from his mouth being covered, he chokes on his words.

Veronica leans on the doorway and smile fondly at the two finally being reunited. She looks out into the hallway and sees freed Addison's walking the hall in confusion and mindlessness. Some follow the instructions and head for the exit while others stumble and fall over, some just stand in place and look around for Queen so they can get orders.

Yellow finally stops hugging Blue and wipes his eyes with his fingers, he looks over at Noelle and smiles at her before looking back at Blue and pulling him out of bed. Blue realizes that Yellow is trying to help him uo but trys to fight it, but fails from being to weak. As soon as Blue is out of bed and the blanket is no longer on him Yellow's eyes go wide in shock and embarrassment.

Blue looks down shamefully and trys to cover himself with the blanket. Yellow stops him and gives Blue a reassuring smile. " It's okay...we'll get you cleaned up alright?" Blue nods and looks away from embarrassment, his lower area and legs are a mess from giving birth and he hasn't gotten a chance to clean himself off yet. He smile down at Yellow for helping him clean himself, after Yellow is done Blue grabs his clothes and starts to put them on " Thank you.." Blue says sheepishly while not looking at Yellow.

" Don't mention it-" Yellow stops what he's saying and goes speechless, he touchs a piece of Blue's shirt " What happened...your..your....." he can't even begin to fathom what happened to him. " doesn't even fit you anymore, it's way to small. It used to fit you perfectly..." Yellow takes a few steps back and shakes his head. " No...has she been feeding you?" Yellow's eyes go wide in fear and anger.

Blue quickly backs up and doesn't say anything, he keeps quiet. " God damnit Blue! Tell me, has she been feeding you?! " yellow clenches his teeth together as he holds back from yelling at Blue. Blue looks nervous but nods " Yes...but.." he speaks quietly, he stops and steps further away from Yellow. " But what? Blue tell me! " Yellow raises his voice at Blue, he flinch's at Yellow's tone of voice and quickly speaks up " But...she doesn't feed us...much.." Blue looks aired.

Yellow's heart sinks and his eyes go wide " S-she...hasn't been feeding any of you..." He looks to the ground, he grabs his head angerly " Ahh! We're getting out of here now! " he stomps his foot and grabs Blue by the arm and drags him out of the room, Veronica quickly steps out of the way and into the hall. Yellow looks like he's about to snap until he sees Susie and Kris run by.

" What the hell?.." he says under his breath and narrows his eyes. " What are you two doing? I thought you were at the throne room?!" Yellow's eyes go wide as he shouts at them, Susie looks back at shouts back " Oh yeah, we got lost. Sorry dude! " She turns back around and continues running along side Kris.

Yellow looks more confused then ever and shakes his head in confusion before turning back to Blue. " Come on, I know the way out of here. " He turns back to Veronica and the other Addison's, they start to walk down the hallway when they hear Ralsei. They look back to see Ralsei trying to get an Addison's out of their room.

" Come on, I know I've asked this like a hundred times by now but please! I beg of you, just come out of your room! " Ralsei is literally on his knees begging for the Addison to come out, but the Addison doesn't budge.

Veronica snickers and walks over to Ralsei who's currently on the floor pleading with this Addison. " How long have you been asking for her to come out of her room?" Veronica crosses her arms on leans on the wall, Ralsei looks up at her San slowly stands up. " For about thirty five minutes..." He looks down defeated, Veronica laughs and quickly covers her mouth " Sorry, sorry..." Ralsei looks pissed and crosses his arms dramatically " Ha ha very funny. " He rolls his eyes " Can you at least stop laughing at me for one second to help me!? " He raises his voice slightly, Veronica keeps laughing until she calms herself down.

" Okay okay..." She takes the Addison by the arm and leads her with the rest if the group, Ralsei's jaw drops. " ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! It was that easy?! " He looks annoyed and surprised, Veronica just nods her head as she continues to laugh at him. Ralsei follows behind the group with his arms crossed and a sour look on his face.

Kris and Susie run down the halls of the mansion until they find the throne room, both if them come to a halt and pant heavily. Both bend over slightly and hold their hands on their knees.
" Ugh...I.. I think this is it Kris..." Susie says in between breaths, Kris shoots their head up. Their red eyes slightly showing though their hair " You think?! This is the fiftieth you think! " They stand up straight amd crack their back. " better be right about this one....or else." Kris pushes open the one of the two standing doors. " I'm always right." Susie puts a hand on her chest and smiles proudly, Kris rolls their eyes.

Both if them walk into the room and see a throne at the very end of it. " YES! " Susie does a fist pump in the air " See I was right, hmp. " She walks in sassy and laughs at herself, Kris can't help but chuckle along with her. " Well, I got to give it to you Susie. You were right. " they walk along a long red carpet leading up to the throne, they have their head down the entire time. " Hell right I am- " Susie stops as she hears a loud banging noise come from not to far away. Kris looks up as well and narrows their eyes.

A few bangs later and a door slams open, Queen stomps out and walks over to her throne. Both Kris and Susie freeze in place, Queen sits on her throne and looks up. As soon as she does her already bad temper gets even worse. " YOU! " she stands up and stomps over to Kris, she looms over them and her tentacles move around behind her. " YOU'VE BEEN LETTING MY ADDISON'S GO FREE! " she stomps her foot like a child " THEIR MINE, NOT YOURS! " Kris backs up a bit, they look over at Susie for help but she's no were to be seen. " Wha- the fuck Susis!? Leave me like this..." they say to themselves, they sigh " Well...guess I'm going to die here.."

Queen picks up Kris using one of her tentacles, she squeezes their body until they can't breathe. Their face statt to turn blue, they try to wiggle their way out but her hold oh them is to strong. Queen laughs and tightnes her grip on them. " Oh, poor you. No one to save you, no one to call for help- " Kris looks and sees Susie with her axe out slowly sneaking up on Queen. " No matter how much you try and escape nothing will work, it's pointless" Susie gets even closer to Queen, she gets ready to attack. " But no matter how much you scream, no one will hear you. " She laughs evilly, but it's shortly lived as Susie trikes a killing blow to Queen's head with the axe.

Queen stops as she is hit in the head, she start to fizz and her circuits start to go wild. She collapses on the floor, her tentacle that was once holding Kris opens up and lets them go. Kris falls and rolls onto the floor. They rub their head a bit, Susie runs over and helps them up " Thanks.." Kris looks up at Susie " No least we have on less problem to deal with, am I right?" Susie elbows Kris playfully and chuckle, Kris pushes back and chuckles along. " What do we do with her body?" Kris asks Susie, Susie shrugs. " I don't know, use her for scrap? " Kris rolls their eyes and starts to walk out of the room.

Susie follows suit and walsk with the, they both start to head for the main entrance of the mansion to meet up with Yellow and Ralsei to tell them the great news.

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