Chapter Two

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Thomas parked his car on a large park lot. I was a little bit scared. I haven't been out of the ophranage since I was... I don't even know how old I was. And now here I am with a boy I've met last night. I never heard of anyone working at the first day of a year and again, the studio was in full work, at least that's what I've been told. 

We had to walk for about five minutes but it was the last thing I cared about actually. I was happy to dance again, if I even got to dance in that studio, it wasn't sure. Thomas and I didn't speak a word while walking nor driving to the very Wisconsin Avenue #180E Bethesda. I gawked at the building, realising it was actually a damn STUDIO where you study everything about dance, learn the right techniques and disciplines of all kind of dance. 

"It's like a school!" I gasped at Thomas, finally starting our conversation for the first time since we have left his apartement. "I'm not going inside. I am not going to go in some kind of stupid school." I said turning around, wanting to walk away when Thomas grabbed my forearm and turned me back to him. Our bodies were so close from each other that I could feel the warmth from his body in mine. I had to tilt my head back so I could look in his dark brown eyes. He cut me of when I was about to say something in protest. 

"Mia, this ain't any kind of a school, trust me. I've signed you up for H.Y.P.E. Program. You're not going to go in there and study math or something. My sister used to go there and she was fully happy with that. Also she was homeschooled but I can teach you anything you want." he said calmly, never leaving my eyes. Not once. 

"What's H.Y.P.E. Program?" I asked, tilted my head to my right in confusion. 

"H stands for Hip Hop and all street dance styles. Y stands for youth centered. P stands for performance and freestyle and E stands for education and understanding. H.Y.P.E." I nodded in understandment when in fact I was still confused a little. Thomas maybe explained what the letters meant but I didn't really get it. 

"Are you ready? Because it will be crazy." he said with a smirk and the familiar flame reflection appeared in his eye. I could swear I saw it in somebody's eyes before but I couldn't remember whom they belonged to. 

"What do you mean by crazy?" I asked, confused even more than before.

"You will see. You will see." he mumbled nervously, grabbing my hand and locking our fingers together. I smiled at the unusual gesture but let it go. When we stepped inside the building he squeezed my hand really hard. If it was in any kind of other situation I'd think he was doing it to reasure me that everything will be fine but something in my mind was telling me that it was him who needed to be comforted about the whole situation. 

As we walked down the hall I could hear everybody around whisper and look at us in utter shock. I looked around myself not knowing what to do. A tall boy, about nineteen has stepped in our way, folding his arms on his chest and giving Thomas a hard look. 

"What the hell are you doing here? You no longer have the right to come here and spend time around so turn on your heels and go away." he said, Thomas let go of my hand instantly, folded his arms as well and made one huge step towards the boy. They were standing so close to each other. And the boy who I had no idea who he is, was really tall but still, Thomas was taller. I wasn't surprised. He said he is about 6'3. I was 5'4 so you can imagine how fun it must have looked when we stood next to each other. 

"Shut your mouth, Ice. I know the rules and if you don't get out of my way right now I swear to the damn god I will beat your ass up on this floor again just like I did last year." Thomas snapped at him, furiousness literally burning his eyes.

Ice? Seriously? That was his name? I stiffled a laugh but shut it quick. "You're now eighteen, Tommy, I don't think the police would let you go with just a warning and a parental take out this time. And you know that once you punch, you can't stop." the Ice boy smirked. What was his problem. What was their problem. "Do you think mommy or daddy would like to hear that about their little boy? Oh wait I forgot, you are no longer their little boy, just a disappointment." he said in a mocking tone, making a puppy face along to it. 

Thomas closed the gasp between them and grabbed his collar, pinning him on the wall. "Shut your fucking mouth you motherfucker. You know nothing, not a fucking thing. So just keep your fucking shit for yourself or I will seriously punch you and this time I won't stop." Thomas yelled at the boy. I could see fear in Ice's eyes and I felt almost sorry about him but then I remembered what he said. I looked around, seeing everybody was paying attention to these two. 

I walked slowly to Thomas, grabbing his shoulder. "Thomas, stop it. Please," 

He just shook my hand off hissing at me, "Don't touch me, Mia. I don't wanna hurt you."

I was scared of Thomas at the moment. I stepped back a little a whispered to one of the girls standing behind me and staring in shock to get some adult. Not long after she came back with a man in his 40s that ripped the two of them apart. "What is it here?" he said angrily. "Ace, you've got a class, for all I know you all have a class, get back to your work. Thomas, what are you doing here? Thought we made a deal, didn't we?" he said, looking at him defiantly.

"I know, I'm sorry, Mr. Pung. He just got on my nerves again. It happened three years ago, I don't know why he just can't let go already and stop the hate. Anyway, I didn't come here to break our deal but I called Ms. Lenard that she'll be having a new dancer." Thomas explained, getting back to his calm himself. 

"Ah right, where is she?" he asked. 

"I am here," I said and walked from behind Thomas' body. "Hello, my name is Mia. Mia Howard." I introduced myself, shaking Mr. Pung's hand. Mr. Pung was asian, or at least his ancestors were from Asia, the color of his skin, his heigh and the shape of his eyes confirmed it. 

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Howard. Come with me, I will lead you to a Hip Hop class where we'll see how your body moves with the music, okay? Then we will decide about your schedule to fit with your school and stuff like that." I nodded my head, I wasn't really interested in explaining him that I don't really attend no kind of school at the moment and barely have. I do know the basics and that's all I need, I think. 

We entered a huge, light blue wall-painted room with white big windows and a big wall covered wit mirrors. There wasn't a lot of students. Just about fifteen or so but it still looked full thanks to the reflections of their bodies in the mirror. I caught a familiary tall figure at the left corner, having a drink. I recognised it was Ace or Ice or what the hell his name was. I need to ask Thomas about that later. 

Mr. Pung walked in and stepped in front of the mirrors and talked to the students. "Hello guys, so Mrs. Lenard has received a call this morning that we'll have a new dancer. Let's test her qualities." he smiled at the students and they returned it to them. "Mia, come here." he said with a kind voice and motioned for me to go next to him. 

I looked nervously at Thomas and he turned me around to the class, wrapping his strong arms around me and whispered in my ear. "Look at them, Mia. Take everyone look by look. I have seen them dance before and I've seen you dance not even twenty-four hours ago, trust me. There are nowhere near your knees." I could feel the smile in his voice and then he kissed my shoulder softly. I didn't know what it was supposed to mean but I let it be for now. 

"Can I use my own music, please?" I asked the teacher and she nodded with a smile, giving me one quic 'of course' before her and the whole class stepped aside to give me as many space as possible. 

I chose a remix of Taylor Swift's Blank Space YONAS remix and took my position. I didn't even hesitate if I should start dancing or not, my body just made it's own movements that I've learned, a choreography that I created by myself. I could feel everybody's eyes on me and I could care less. When I ended I just stood there, my arms crossed into a X, palms on my shoulders and looking at the ground. The claps were heard and I finally lifted my head up. Smiling and breathing heavily. I shot a look to the door, where Thomas was still standing, arms folded and smiling proudly at me.

"Good work, Mia. Welcome to Joy of Motion Dance Centre, you sure are a big hope to our team, we are pleased to have such a great dancer with us." Mr. Pung smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. All the students ran to me to congratulate me and welcome me in their studio.

For a first time in such a long time, I felt truly happy.

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