Talking it Out

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Hermione took a sip of her almost-too-hot tea. Letting the minty mixture wash over her tastebuds as she collected herself. She felt herself relaxing into the velvet of the rich purple couch as she sipped her tea while she waited for the arrival of her therapist and friend of a few years now. She took in the matching velvet chair across from her, the gauzy white curtains slightly blowing in the breeze from the window overlooking Diagon Alley. She had always admired her friend's sense of style and could admit to herself she was even a little jealous. She had never been one with a talent for looking at a space and seeing what it could be. What furniture would complement the room and the person it belonged to. She didn't have a great sense of style as she usually preferred her soft, long-sleeve tops and a pair of jeans with comfortable shoes since she was on her feet for many hours during the day. No, she knew she leaned towards practicality in all things, but it was still nice to dress up occasionally. The object of her admiration and slight jealousy broke through her train of thought in her usual snappy fashion.

"I am sorry to have kept you, Hermione; you know how Neville can be when he starts in on his Herbology theories." Hermione met the dark, intelligent eyes of the raven-haired beauty. Noting the soft humor in her voice with a slight hint of admiration. She felt her lips slide into an easy smile to match her friend.

"That's okay, Pansy. I decided to head into the shop a little later today. How are things with you and Neville? I'm sorry I've been so busy lately. With school starting up soon, we've had quite the rush of last-minute orders." She knew she worked too much, but she still tried her best not to neglect her friendships as much as possible. She watched as Pansy set her black Delacour designer bag next to her chair. Pansy carried her life in that bag, never letting it out of her sight. Hermione had helped Fleur with designing the charm portion of the bags. Ministry-approved extension charms are in each designer leather bag. It was not quite as extensive as the bag she had used while on the run, but the bags held enough space to help clients, from a savvy businesswoman to a mother of three. The bags were beautiful and efficient. Fleur and Bill used the funds earned from the purse sales to support their family, and they ran a foundation to help werewolves in need of a place to stay, food, and access to wolfsbane if needed. Pansy Parkinson wearing the bag was a huge boon for the Delacour brand.

"Perfect! You are my only appointment this morning, so we have plenty of time to chat." Pansy sat across from Hermione, taking her friend in. "How have you been, Min?" Pansy's cool, assessing gaze took in Hermione's slightly rumpled clothing, the dark rings beneath her chocolate eyes, her lips showed signs of being picked at repeatedly, and her curls were a static mess.

"I'm frustrated, Pansy." She sighed heavily before letting her dam of thoughts break loose. "I thought that after five years, I would be further along than I am now. I have had three nightmares this week, and it's only Thursday. I am exhausted, and I feel beaten down often. I keep myself overly busy with work to avoid having to sit in my thoughts, and before you say anything, I know that we have talked about this before. I am not coping in a healthy manner. It's just that these memories come flooding back to me, and I get so overwhelmed I panic. If a customer taps my shoulder to get my attention and I haven't noticed them, it can send me into a spiral." She paused to take a sip of her now lukewarm tea.

"I struggle to be in my flat by myself at night for fear of someone attacking me in my sleep; I think that is part of why I stayed with Ron for so long. He was familiar, a safe place to turn to. I knew the relationship wasn't working for many reasons, but I couldn't stand the thought of being on my own. I now know that that wasn't fair to either one of us, of course." Pansy made no remarks; she just let Hermione release everything she was holding in.

"Let's not forget about my sex life or lack thereof. I can barely stand the thought of a man touching me, let alone being intimate with me. I miss it of course but in the moment I freeze up. I just can't get past what happened with him." Pansy knew Dolohov was the 'him' she spoke of, but Hermione struggled even to say his name.

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