The Tricky Trio and the Herbologist

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February 15th, 2003

Draco's POV

Draco shivered as the first frigid droplets of water hit the tense muscles of his back. This was his second self-imposed cold shower since last night. Thoughts of Granger's delectable rear end invaded his every thought. He'd nearly sliced his finger when dicing a peach for breakfast. The fruit had reminded him of the shapely curve of her delectable arse, and he'd be willing to bet she tasted just as good if not better than the fruit's nectar.

So here he stands, skin nearly blue from his static position beneath the cold spray with nothing to show for it except a still raging hard-on. He cups his balls in an attempt to relieve the pressure, causing him to let out a low groan in appreciation. 'Would it be so terrible if he replayed one of the Granger classics from his Hogwarts days?" he asks himself. Sure, it was different back then because it was his dirty little secret. Now, Granger knew of his feelings towards her, does that make it more inappropriate if he indulges in the fantasy? 

Making his decision he takes his firm cock in his right hand whilst increasing the water temperature and bracing his hand against the cold tile of the shower wall. Squeezing the base of his cock lightly before stroking to the tip, gathering the bit of moisture before stroking downwards, letting out a light groan as thoughts of Granger flood his mind.

That sweet plump arse propped up in the air, while she waits on her hands and knees on display, begging for his touch. He'd take his time running a hand lightly over one round globe before settling firmly at her back. Splaying his hand between her shoulders, pressing firmly so her breasts and face are lying against the mattress. He'd trail kisses from her shoulders, tasting the sweet saltiness of her skin, and down her spine. He'd tease her by alternating between light kisses to tender bites at the point where her thighs met the tender skin of her backside, adding in the intentional breath of warm air against her dripping cunt as he rotates between kissing one thigh and biting the other.

Breath ragged as he frantically pumps his cock. He'd take his time first applying a gentle kiss where she was dripping for him. He'd lick his lips and hum deeply in appreciation. "Is this all for me? You are so good for me Granger." He'd say, the sound of her desperate whimpers would feed his desire to drag every last drop of pleasure from her body before succumbing to his own.

"Draco, I need you." She would cry, and he'd chuckle darkly before mercifully taking a long taste of her, taking everything, she was willing to offer.

Gripping her hips and tugging sharply, he'd feast on her moans. Taking her sensitive bud between his teeth followed by quick flutters of his tongue, savoring the sweetness dripping between her thighs like she was the elixir of life, and he was a dying man. Her moans increasing in enthusiasm letting him know just how close she was. He takes her swollen nub and sucks hard while flicking his tongue over the tip, sending her over the cliff, when she meets bottom, she collapses in a boneless heap, hips still firmly between his hands.

Draco grips his cock tightly as he feels the first spurt of warm liquid over his hand, continuing to stroke himself through his climax, only stopping once he's completely drained.

He realizes that his overactive imagination and libido may become a problem with Granger sleeping in such close proximity.

A blood-curdling scream coming from the direction of Hermione's room tears Draco from his thoughts, sending him running from his shower, grabbing his wand off the vanity, and hurtling towards her sounds of terror.

Bare feet slapping against the tile floor, he slams into her room. Hermione's back is arched off the mattress, sweat beading on her skin, and her teeth are bared in a grimace. Rushing to her side, he can see that she's used her nails to leave deep scratch marks down her face, resulting in small droplets of blood starting to ooze from the wounds.

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