Chapter 5: Classes With Ghosts and Grown Men Bullying Children. Fun.

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A/N: I would like to preface this chapter by saying that I have no idea what Harry's actual 4th year schedule is, I'm just making it up as I go. Also, i realized i forgot Moody and announcing the tournament in the last chapter, so just pretend that happened, okay? Okay.

Nico POV

    Of course. Of course Hecate sent me, the son of Hades, on a quest to a magic school with a bunch of ghosts and color-coded dorms. The ghosts skirted around me like I was about to send them back in the Underworld(which, to be fair, I probably was). I was glaring at them, for simply being here, when Will walked up to me and squeezed my hand.

    "Hey Neeks!" He said. His eye bags were deeper, so I doubted he got any sleep. Hazel walked up to us while arguing with Leo and Piper about smartphones. Annabeth and Percy were walking hand in hand, Annabeth teasing the son of Poseidon. Something about...guinea pigs?

    "Will, did you get sleep last night?" I asked my boyfriend.

    "Did you?"


    "Relevant. I swear, if you do something about those ghosts..."

    "Fine, fine. No promises, though."

    "Guys," Hazel said. "We have to discuss the tournament. Meet in the courtyard after dinner, maybe? We'll see."

    "So, we all agree that Hazel is, like, the leader of this quest, right?" Leo said, just before we went to our separate House tables.

Hazel looked like she choked on air while the rest of us nodded our agreements and went to our House tables. Will literally had to drag Hazel there. It was pretty obvious, seeing as she had the most powerful wand and most experience with magic. But I knew she had trouble leading with that pressure. She could do it, but she just needed encouragement from us.

"Hey guys," Percy said as we sat across from Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

"G'morning Percy...Nico," Harry said.

I nodded in response. They were clearly uneasy around me, but I shared a dorm with Harry and Ron, plus Percy was my only friend in Gryffindor, so they'd just have to deal with it.

    After a breakfast of putting salt in Percy's hair until he noticed and ignoring the side eyes from everyone, papers appeared in place of our plates. On them was a bunch of scrambled letters I would be able to make out whatsoever. What's worse than being a dyslexic demigod? Being a dyslexic demigod whose first language isn't English and whose memories were messed with. Luckily I remembered the translation spell that McGonagall told us and just said "μεταφράζω," which worked great. And, of course, we had the same schedule as Harry and Ron, so we ended up walking to Transfiguration, our first block, together.

    Transfiguration was...interesting. We were transfiguring a guinea pig into a mouse, and Percy almost exploded his. I was fine at it. But, if Percy and I focused, we could see the guinea pig instead of the mouse. Apparently, a lot of magic was based off of the Mist and wizards were as oblivious to it as Percy is to people with crushes on him. A clear sighted mortal could probably see so much...

Our next class was Potions, which we had with the Slytherins. Percy and Annabeth paired up, which got a lot of weird looks from their houses, and even weirder looks when Annabeth quickly pecked Percy on the lips. I was assigned by Snape, the legacy of Hecate, to be with Piper and Leo.

Throughout the whole class, Snape was literally bullying the Gryffindors, especially one named Neville Longbottom. He only left me and Percy alone, so we were able to finish our potions faster. Percy and Annabeth's was perfect, which made sense. Piper, Leo, and I's got set on fire(you can guess by who) and was a completely different color than it was supposed to be, but we finished the recipe. Unfortunately, the next class(after a lunch of water and chilling in the common room) was History. History of Magic, but still. Gross.

Even more, the class was taught by a ghost. A. Gods. Damn. Ghost. Binns didn't seem to be pleased with me in his class either.

"Hello, class," he said in a monotonous voice. "Today, we will be going over- oh dear!" Binns exclaimed once he noticed me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"


"Not now. Maybe later, but not now," I said firmly, glaring at him. While I did want to send him to the Underworld, I couldn't blow my cover. Luckily, only Hermione and Percy noticed, since the rest of the class already brought out pillows and fell asleep.

"R-right. Um, so we w-will be..." he continued through the lesson with more stuttering. Hopefully, this meant I wouldn't have any homework.

Our last class of the day, Astronomy, was after dinner(duh). It was pretty dull, and it was weird and saddening when we couldn't see Zoë in the night sky. After class, me and Percy were walking to the dorms without the trio(they were talking with the other Weasley's and we got bored) when we got pulled into an empty corridor. I swung at where I guessed was the guy's face and he barely caught it.

"Woah, Death Boy!" Will whisper-shouted. "It's just us!"

    Behind him, Annabeth was holding Percy's arm and the other demigods were standing there, not in those dumb robes anymore.

    "Why?" I said simply, supposedly quoting Percy when Apollo/Lester showed up at his doorstep.

    We ended up hyper-analyzing our days and the Triwizard Tournament as a group, which was fun, especially when Leo mentioned accidentally using a fire charm and Piper nearly tasing a dude that was hitting on her. Over all, Hogwarts was weird, Percy was still calling it Pigfarts just for the heck of it, and me and Hazel probably were not going to get any History of Magic homework.

A/N: sorry about the wait time between chapters, I had writer's block and an essay to write.

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