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2 months pass

It's been two long months since harry kissed Draco. Everyone is finding it weird because they always have something clever or stupid to say to each other but nope. but this silence can't happen any longer because a Hogwarts school dance is coming up and they have to talk to each other.

its the Hogwarts dance

"hey pans?" draco says. "yes?" "how do you talk to someone that you haven't talked to in 2 months?" "you're talking about Potter and I don't know just talk to him." "yeah but how he won't just talk to me." "that's true how about this I'll get Weasley to tell Potter to go into the red room and on my cue you go in." "Ok good plan." Draco says.

a couple moments later

"Oh hey Weasley I know we aren't really friends but can you perhaps tell Potter to get to the red room for me. Draco wants to talk to him." Pansy says "yeah fine I'll get him." Ron says annoyed. "Thank you." "yeah yeah." Ron says jokingly. Ron walks around trying to find Harry. Then she sees him. "Hey mate"
Ron states. "um why? Harry questions. "Just go!" "Ok fine..." a couple mins go by and pansy gives Draco the cue because she sees harry coming their way. "Ok."

One minute later

Harry walks in to see Draco standing there. "Malfoy I'm so sorry for the last time we talked and-" Harry says panicking. "Shut up stop talking." Draco interrupts Harry by his lips touching Harry's. Harry pulls away and looks at Draco in disbelief then continues kissing Draco. Draco pulls Harry up against the wall near the book shelf making one of the books fall. Harry puts his hands through Draco hair and Draco pulls his hands on Harry back.

"Come on y'all you guys are missing the par-ty" Ron says. Draco and Harry pull away. "Um hi" Draco mutters out. "Um hi!" Ron says mocking Draco. "Hold on." Ron said Harry and Draco just stood there looking at each other as Harry took Draco's hand. Draco blushed. "Okay if you guys are going to make out please get another room to do it in I study in here like all the time." Ron says.

Pansy and Hermione walk up to the door. "Hi boys!" Pansy says. "Wait did something happen or no?" Hermione asks. "Um-I-uh- yeah me and Draco kissed." Harry admits. "AHHHH I KNEW IT!" Hermione says. "You owe me 20 gold galleons! Ron" Hermione says proudly. Draco jaw drops. "You guys really betted on us?" Draco and Harry say in disbelief. "Yes. Hermione says proudly but Ron says pitifully. "Well whatever. Can you guys like go I gotta ask Harry something." Draco says sassy like. They all leave.

"Harry do you want to dan-" "yes Draco I would love to dance with you. But aren't you afraid of what people are going to say?" Harry says. "Nah. I'm not. are you?" "No I'm not Malfoy."

ok now this is the end byeee!! <333
Xoxo, Alex

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