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March 13, 2007

I toss small pebbles, just big enough to make a noise without breaking glass, at her window until she finally opens one side. Her death glare tells me exactly what I had assumed: she had been about to get unready for the day and go to bed. Truthfully it wasn't that late, but her parents were probably asleep already and her brother was going to be less than stellar company if he was to invite her to join whatever he and his friend were doing.

"What are you doing?" She whisper yells down at me.

"Put your prom dress on and come with me," I yell back, gesturing to my own navy blue ball gown dress as I lean against my dads pick up truck that he had let me borrow for the night. "And bring a few blankets!"

She shook her head and shut the windows, pulling the blinds shut as she went. I hopped into the driver's seat of the truck and waited a few minutes for her to come down. Just when I thought she wasn't going to show, she opened the door and climbed in the passenger side, sitting three folded blankets down in the empty seat between us. "Are you going to tell me what we're doing?"

"No, just wait. It's not a far drive." We drove in complete silence with the windows down the entire way to our destination. I rolled the windows down so we could listen to the waves roll against the New Hampshire coast. I pulled into a parking spot a small walk away and turned the engine off. I got out of the truck and walked over to her side, opening the door and making an ushering motion with my arm. "We have arrived, m'lady."

"What are we doing?" She asks again, her voice quiet even though no one could hear us over the sound of music playing a few boats down.

"We are going to a party. Over there. On that yacht."

"We weren't invited." She says, shaking her head so frantically that her curly hair falls in front of her face. I brush it away.

"I know. I've got it. We are part of the royal family of Genovia. I am Olivia, Princess of Genovia. Who do you want to be?"

"I want to be a duchess."

"Thalia, Duchess of Pear, my right hand and best friend."

"Pear?" She laughs and shakes her head.

"You heard me." I point at the big yacht with lots of lights about three huge boats ahead of us. "That's where we're going."

"Is your full name actually Olivia?" She asks with raised eyebrows as we walk.

"No, it's just Livya."

"Okay good. I know I haven't known you for forever but I feel like I would be a very bad right hand and best friend if I didn't know that Olivia was your full name. Do you really think this is going to work?"

"Absolutely it is. I drove by earlier and the poor security man looked like he would shit himself if I threatened to call my father."

"Your father who asked your mother to make tiny bows for him to put on the newborn goats?"

"No, my father the king. I'll just say the word and he won't do a thing to stop it."

"Be nice, Ivy. He probably has seen enough stupid rich people to last him a lifetime tonight and is recovering. That has to be traumatic." She shoves me playfully.

A few minutes later we stood face to face with the tired looking man in a suit at the end of the dock leading to the yacht. "Name?" He asked.

"Olivia?" I say in a questioning tone with my best posh accent, as if it was appalling to me that he didn't know I was the princess of a made up country just by looking at me. Taylor cowered slightly behind me at the man's unwavering gaze, but I could see right through it. He may be staring daggers, but he was also questioning if I was someone important that he should know about.

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