Chapter -1

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Mahira's pov.
A cold winter morning, sounds pretty right but it isn't especially when you are a college student and have to get up at 7 am. Me being me slept at 4 am in the morning so no one can expect me to get up at seven, ask me why i slept so late, because i didn't do my assignments and i did those yesterday night, i know i had 15 days to do those but procrastination is my best friend that cause the ultimate trouble and nothing else.

My peaceful sleep was disturbed by a hand stroking my hair, it was my mother's.
A cinnamon roll when she is happy but a volcano when she is angry.

"Come on bacha get up it's 7 and you have college today" she said so melodiously and her voice was so calm that it was working as a lullaby, how can she expect me to get up at this voice?

I just made myself more comfortable in my bed and slept again.

"Mahi get up it's 7 " she said a little more strict than before.

"Yea just two minutes". I said and covered my face with duvet.

"No two minutes, nothing. Get up, warm water is in the washroom go and get freshen up and come downstairs in 15 minutes got it?"

"How can you be so cruel to your own daughter, how can you let a fragile figure get out of her bed in this cold morning" i said showing her my puppy eyes.

"You Drama queen, it's not even that cold, did you forget you live in Mumbai not Canada?". My mother said not paying attention to my frustrated face and dragged me out of my bed and pushed me to the washroom.

"Downstairs in 15 or else you know" she yelled while going downstairs.

I hate college life.

Let me introduce myself
Iam mahira Chaudhary, people call me mahi, Iam a 3rd year college student and 22 years old. Iam a med student and currently doing bs in psychology.
Time skip.
I went downstairs with my sleepy figure. I did get freshen up, I am still sleepy though.
I didn't pay attention to anything and sat down to eat breakfast, let me tell you I hate breakfast and it makes me nauseous and i hate that feeling but my family just doesn't understand and lectures me on how breakfast is so necessary and blah blah blah.

I kept my head on the table, cause no one was there.

I was about to drift to the sleep again when someone smacked me on my head, I know this bitch is none other than my Annoying brother- Armaan Chaudhary. This man has done PhD in annoying me for sure. He is my second oldest brother and the most annoying one, people would pay to get away from him especially I. He is 26 years old a business men if you say so. Well I don't exactly know what he does except annoying the fuck out of me.

"What is fucking wrong with you?" I yelled at him.

"Language missy". A person coming downstairs said in strict voice, none other than my 3rd oldest brother- Ahaan Chaudhary. He is 2 years older than me but behaves like he is a grandpa. He is so perfect that Iam almost jealous of him not in a bad way though. He is a clone copy of my 1st oldest brother -Ivaan Chaudhary.
Ahaan is also a med student and actual med as in MBBS student. This bitch cleared neet in one attempt and I couldn't so yea. Well he is hardworking and calm and collected at the same time, doesn't talk much but when necessary. When I said he is clone copy of Ivaan i meant in personality. The only difference is Iam afraid of Ivaan but not him.

"Yea language" Armaan said while trying not to laugh.

"You better not show your face to me in the morning, I have no mood to puke". I told him.

"You meant not in mood to cry over my beauty, understandable, I know iam handsome". Armaan said while patting my head.

"Don't touch my hair, it will get messy again". I said backing away his hand.

"So what, it would be as it is". He said while smacking my head again.

"If you touched my hair once again, I'll break your wrist you idiot". I yelled at him.

"Talk slowly, Ivaan bhai is sleeping and if he gets up because of your yelling you know what would happen". Ahaan said paying attention to his phone rather than us.

We both gulped in fear and he sits down beside me.

Mumma came after two minutes i guess and served us our breakfast, I almost feel like puking, great.

I took a bread and put some Nutella on top of it and ate it.

"Eat properly beta, why are you eating bread"? My father said coming downstairs.

I hugged him and said.

"I don't feel like eating".
"But beta I know-". I cut him off and said.

"Dadda please not now, I feel like puking please".

"Okay, don't eat but drink something hmm?". He said while Patting my head.

I went into kitchen made myself hot chocolate and drank it while they were eating their breakfast.

Just when we were leaving for college as in me and Ahaan, Ivaan came downstairs and said.

"Miss Mahira Chaudhary, what the hell did you do"?

I heard him yelling so angrily, oh God did he got to know about the conditioner prank? Oh my God his hair are pink!

Iam done, only a God's angel can save me now.

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