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Mahira's pov.
It's the next day precisely night.
We spent all the day in wedding preparations.
We are leaving for the venue tomorrow, honestly I don't want to go there with that girl.
Why the hell is she even here?
Shouldn't she go back to where she came from?
I know iam being unreasonable but blame my family for it.

I walk downstairs and yelled.

"What happened?". She yells back.
She is in kitchen.
I walk to the kitchen and back hug her while she was making something.

"Oh God you scared me". She says.

"How can this innocent girl scare anyone?". I say putting my hand on my chin.

"I don't think this girl is innocent. I know what kind of books you read darling". She knows? Oh God.

"Wh-What books? I read only academic books mumma". I lied.

"Mother is a mother baby, who are you fooling?". She says and pulls my ear.

"Mu-Mumma leave, it's hurting". I stammer with pain.

"Don't tell anyone okay, let's keep it as a secret". I say.

"Okay but what would i get in return?". She says smirking.

"An alive daughter. Is that not enough? If anyone in our family gets to know about those books, they'll bury me alive". I say shaking my head.
I sit on the countertop while eating chips.

"Don't eat unhealthy Mahira". She says snatching the chips packet.

"Mumma please, my mouth is so bitter because of medicines and your yucky porridge, please let me eat something good for once". I say pouting.

"It's for your own good". She says.

"As if". I mutter.

"Stop sulking around and call everyone downstairs". She says making rotis.

"Why are you making food today? Where are maids?" I ask while getting down.

"They're on leave". She says.

"Okay". I say and walk outside.

"GUYS COME DOWNSTAIRS, MUMMA WANTS YOU ALL HERE IN NEXT 2 MINUTES". I yell because i wasn't in the mood to go to everyone's room.

In a minute they all come running.

"What happened? Why is she calling us? Is she angry? I didn't do something today". Armaan bombarded with questions.

"You must've done something". Ahaan says to Raavi.

"Why the hell are you blaming me? You are no saint". She retorts.

"No but-". Mahi cuts them off.

"I think you need ask mom, no?". She says slowly.
I hate that word coming out of her mouth.
They three roll their eyes at her and Ivaan bhai glares at them.

"What the hell is happening here?". Mom's voice echoes in the hall.

They all stand straight Infront of her including dad and i just muffle my laugh.

"Why all of you are standing like statues?". She asks and looks at me suspiciously.

"Mom I'm sorry about that plate, i didn't mean to break it intentionally". Ahaan says slowly.

"Oh so you broke my precious plate". Mom says glaring at him.

"Yea mom and i also didn't mean to lock your phone, it just happened". Ivaan bhaiii says and looks down.
So iam not the only one clumsy here.

"Oh God". She says and puts ger hand on her mouth.

"Iam sorry maasi for pouring tasteless soups in the sink, i wouldn't do that again". Raavi says.

"What the hell are you all talking about?". She yells and them.

"I just asked Mahira to call you for dinner but you guys are spitting secrets here". She says and all of them turn their head to look at me while glaring at me.

"Mom asked me to call you for dinner, that's why i yelled but...".  I say and avert my eyes from them.

"Couldn't you say it earlier? Idiot as always". Armaan whispers and pinch my hand.

"Ahh". A loud yell escape my mouth.
We all just sit down to eat dinner after so many scoldings.

We were eating our dinner peacefully until i get a message.

"Let's not forget our deal, the bachelorette party. It's the only day we can do that. So go get ready and meet me in front of xxx club in next 2 hour". It was from Natasha.

I just turned to look at Raavi and she was also looking at me.
She also got the message I think.

I just message in our group chat which consists of me raavi and Priyal.

What now?

Fav cousin:
Idk. Are we going?

We have to.

Fav cousin:
Let's sneak out.

You sure? I mean it can be risky.

There's no fun without risk. I'll come there directly you both start getting ready".

Fav cousin:
Okay. See yaa.


I put my phone back and say.

"I'm done, iam going to sleep. Bye bye". I say and fun to my room before anyone can say anything.

Kairav's pov.
It's night and people should sleep, but here iam getting ready for a party.
Yea you guessed right, Ivaan has annouced a bachelor's party tonight and we boys are going there.
Ivaan didn't want Natash to know so we're kinda sneaking out.

I put on my perfume, wear my watch and walk downstairs slowly without making any noise.
Rahul and reyansh slowly approach me and we three go outside and drive to the venue.

We reach there and i see
Ivaan, Armaan, Ahaan, Mayank and two other boys standing outside of the club in a corner.
Why are they hiding here?
We walk to them and ivaan says.

"Thank God you're here, we've been waiting for you for 10 minutes now, anyways meet Adarsh and Arnav". He says pointing to a curly black hair guy. He has pretty good features with puffed body and a good height while beside him was a fair guy with brown hair and lean muscles with great features and a pretty nice smile respectively.

"Myself Kairav". I say shaking their hands.
Rahul and reyansh introduces themselves aswell and Armaan says.

"Let's go now before anyone sees us here".
We nod and walk to the entrance.
We were about to show the ticket when we heard a girl yelling.

"Keep your junior in your pants ass". We turn our head to look at that girl and to our surprise all of them were here.
The girl who yelled was priyal and beside her everyone was there.
My girl too, haww how beautiful she is looking but wait why is she here? Why all of them are here?

"Nat". Ivaan says gaining everyone's attention including theirs and their jaw drop when they look at us.

Mahira's pov.
We reached at the venue and natahsa introduced us to her friends.
Sanya and preety.
They both have an awesome personality to be honest.
We were walking to the entrance until a guy stands Infront of us.

"Where all are you going looking this hot?". He says and let me tell you he is  drunk to the max.

"To your funeral". Natasha replies.

"Aww baby, I'm not de-dead yet". He says fumbling.

"Well you're gonna be". Sanya says and punch him in the stomach.

Priyal holds him by collar and slap him on his cheek.

"Put your junior in you pants ass".
My girls are savage.
I was about to say something until we hear.
We look at the owner of the voice and it was Ivaan bhaiii. Oh my Goodness!! What are they doing here?
All of them are here.
I'm dead, all of us are dead actually.

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