Chapter 5

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(Content warning!!!! Don't worry I won't go extreme but I think it's important that I must address before anyone reads ahead. This will probably be my longest chapter and probably the most toughest chapter to make. After reading more on spottedleafs heart, I was literally taken aback by how vile it was. Especially for a book marked towards young children.
Now in my au Spottedleaf has no feelings for Thistleclaw or rusteze I mean Firepaw (who will come later don't worry), and first off nobody should ever be in a relationship like Spottedleaf was with Thistleclaw and there's no way I'll ever write something like that. I'm not making this chapter cause for the sake of plot drama, for entertainment or that cliche writing of forbidden love but I might be contradicting myself cause this book is literally all about forbidden love so...

I just wanted to make something that the Erin's couldn't and that is getting something right.

It will have thistle trying to manipulate Spottedleaf that they should be together but nothing beyond that but if you feel like this will make you uncomfortable or you don't understand not saying dumb but maybe a lil confused then please by all means skip this chapter...
Thank you for understanding.) -scourgeisking

Spottedpaw ran as fast as her forepaws could take her and her hind legs could push. 'Why did I do that?? Of course he would be weirded out from that, we're just friends how could I be so mouse-brained.' Her thoughts were all clouded with Tiny as she came close to the camp entrance and was taken by surprise as Thistleclaw hummed behind with a broad smile on his face. "What are you doing out so late my sweet? Don't you know pretty she-cats could be caught or worse killed at the moonlight?"

Spottedpaw was nonplussed for a heartbeat until she regained her memory and took in Thistleclaw's words; she began to feel offended.  "Don't talk to me like I'm some sort of lousy kit Thistleclaw, I can handle myself thank you very much."

"Ah but you didn't answer my first question, what were you doing out so late?" His broad smile quickly turned into a dark irritated growl which made Spottedpaw shrink with fear trembling from his burning gaze seeping through her pelt. Just when things couldn't get worse Thistleclaw leaned forward to her which made her more fearful and trepidation.

He whispered into her ear, "I know what you did, seeing you with that black pelt runt you keep seeing."

Spottedpaw looked up to Thistleclaw still trembling with fear, "H-h-h- how did you know?"

"Oh please you're not as slick as you seem my pretty young ." He then started to lick her ear and whispered, "let's make a deal you will show me affection and love, in return I will not tell the clan what you did; you will also not see the runt ever again."

Spottedpaw was in more shock, now more angry than fear and pulled back away from him, "How dare you say such a thing! Me being with you?!? In your dreams Thistleclaw, your sick dreams."  She growled at him with her lips curled up and fur bristling.

Thistleclaw made a fake appalled look but just a heartbeat later became stern with an expressionless face. Just then he grabbed by the scruff and dragged her to the gorse tunnel and to the leaders den while Spottedpaw protested with shrieks and squeals, "Yes my dear keep screaming so that the whole clan could hear." 

Her mind was now filled with anguish, distraught, and anger, 'this cannot be happening this is all just a bad dream. I will wake up in the apprentice den and go about my day like any other.' Alas it didn't and she knew that this was not a dream or more less a nightmare but reality.  Almost half the clan was out with tired anger coming from them while they curse under their breath confused as to what is happening.  Sunstar came out of his den shortly after obviously as puzzled and confused as everyone else. It wasn't until Thistleclaw cleared his throat and blurted what was happening, "Great and powerful leader I stand before you nothing more than a message-carrier to you; as this apprentice who is standing before us has most likely brought trouble and turmoil to this clan."

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