Chapter 10

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"Who's this?"

Yellowfang narrowed her eyes to the suspicious looking black pelted Tom with a purple collar.

He growled at her and got into a hunting crouch, as if he was stalking prey until Spottedleaf placed her paw to the only white paw he had, gazing at him which gave him the signal to back down. She then turned to Yellowfang. "This is Scourge, he was a kittypet sent by Starclan."

"Why would Starclan ever bring a kittypet to the clans." Yellowfang mewed.

"It's more complicated than that." She blinked hiding the warmth that spread across her face.

"Ok then, it was nice to meet you Scourge but we urgently need to get to Thunderclan."

Yellowfang dashed past the two oblivious cats, they stared at each other before padding to where the Shadowclan medicine cat was heading.


The walk to camp was very quiet and awkward, as Spottedleaf tried to get Scourge's attention with her eyes, maneuvered her tail, she even tried to bump into him but only got an irritated look and a low growl in return. She frowned.

'Maybe I should just give it up. He doesn't feel the same way for me anymore. Plus, I'm a medicine cat and I must put my clan first. But why do I feel like I'm missing something?'

She couldn't control her emotions that her long lost love is gone and she began to feel tears form in her eyes. It seemed as if Scourge noticed her grief stricken face as he made a long sigh and stroked his tail on her back. She gasped a little but accepted it nonetheless with a purr, though he didn't stop to look at her. He kept going at the same pace they were but it did comfort her a little until they came to a stop when they reached camp.


Spottedleaf was bombarded with questions as to Yellowfang's presence.

"What is Shadowclan scum like you doing here?" Darkstripe hissed.

"I must speak to Bluestar first." Yellowfang snapped.

Then a Grayish she-cat with blue eyes appeared from the crowd that was getting larger. "Well I'm here now Yellowfang, what is it you want to tell?"

"Brokenstar has just driven out Windclan."

Shocked gasps spread throughout the gathered cats. She continued, "And he is still not satisfied. He will attack Thunderclan in due time and Riverclan too. Bluestar... this has to end and I know how."

Bluestar nodded and stepped on to the high rock signaling the traditional clan call even though almost everyone was there. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here for a clan meeting."

Spottedleaf couldn't concentrate on the meeting. She kept thinking about Scourge and how she could get him back even though she tried to dismiss it, assuming it could never happen. But for some reason her paws took her to him and before she realized it she sat just a tail length away from him.

She noticed that he shifted uncomfortably but maintained her gaze at his stern look. She has to at least get something from him.

Before she knew it, Bluestar ended the meeting and it seems she left Whitestorm on for something, for what she didn't know. She turned her head to Scourge.

"What did she say?"

Scourge gave her an irritated growl before he hissed. "Well don't you have ears?"

Spottedleaf looked down. "Sorry my mind was somewhere else."

It took her by surprise when Scourge relaxed a bit and even let out a chuckle, although it was a very insidious chuckle. "Heh, yeah I get it. From what I can gather Bluestar has assigned Lion..uh, Lionheart to bring some cats on the attack on Shadowclan."

Warriors AU (Scourge x Spottedleaf)Where stories live. Discover now