(NOT CANON) A Moment With You

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Basically its a what if of chapter 5 Little Farms and Big Feelings, if OJ's mom didn't come in

Early bombjay kiss yippieeeeeeeeee

This starts off after Bomb asks about kids in the game and such, reread the chapter if you need a refresher!





Bomb and OJ stared at each others, blushing profusely. They both felt that fuzzy feeling, as the air seemed thickened with a tension around them. Not the bad kind of tension like in horror movies, but a, yearning of sorts? A yearning for what though? They both really didn't know, but they seem to instinctively lean closer and closer to each others. Their foreheads almost touched as they both stared into each others eyes, blushing a deep red. The world seemed to stop around them, and OJ places his hand gently on top of Bomb and squeezed it gently. OJ and Bomb's faces were so close now, Bomb could almost count the little freckles on OJ's cheeks. You could almost cut the tension with a knife. OJ and Bomb then seemed to unconsciously moved closer, their lips near touching. 

Suddenly, Bomb hesitated. Was this okay? To kiss your best friend? The hesitant man glanced carefully at his friend, who had his eyes tight shut, lips mere centimeters away, expecting the touch of another's lips. A deep burgundy crept its way towards Bomb's face. If OJ was expecting it, who was he to deny him that? Fluttering his eyes closed again, Bomb finally moved the extra centimeters closer to OJ. 

A faint taste of orange chapstick made its way into Bombs taste buds as the softness of OJ's lips took him by surprise. It felt so foreign, the touch of his best friend's lips on his own, but it was a welcomed feeling. The butterflies in Bomb's stomach were at it again, almost ricocheting off inside him. The next thing he knew, Bomb's hand was caressing OJ's tender cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb. He didn't mean to do it, but it felt so right. Like he always wanted to touch OJ, to hold and kiss him. If OJ was letting Bomb kiss him, was it right to assume that he felt the same way too? Maybe he should ask. Bomb had to pry himself off of OJ's lips even though he wanted to keep kissing him, but he had  confirm his worries first in case OJ felt uncomfortable.

"H-Hey OJ? D-D-Do you like m-m-"

Before he could even get his sentence out, OJ wrapped his arms around Bomb's neck and pulled him back into a kiss. Taken by surprise, Bomb stumbled forward as OJ pulled him in, pinning his ginger friend down on his own bed, laptop dangling dangerously on the edge of the bed. It was thrilling, Bombs nerves were going through the roof as OJ seemed to pull him closer and closer.  What felt like forever, really was only a couple of seconds as the two kissed, as if they feared that if they would let go, the other would disappear. Finally for a moment, they parted, to catch their breaths and process the past couple of minutes. OJ's face was ablaze, but his eyes glittered almost to tell Bomb that he didn't have a single regret at what happened.

A soft chuckle escaped Bomb's lips, "I take it a-a-as you l-like me... Like -l-like-like me..."

OJ lightly traced his fingers over Bomb's cheek, "I had this feeling in the back of my head that I did... I was just, kinda scared about how you would react..." His green eyes looked away for a second, "I was also afraid of what my mother would say..."

"A-A-Are you worried about h-h-her not approving?" OJ looked back at Bomb, who's deep brown eyes seemed to be filled with worry, and regret? As if he felt responsible for the possible rage OJ might face from his mother. OJ placed a reassuring hand on Bomb's cheek, and leaned in to kiss his forehead.

"I don't regret anything, not a second of it..."

Gazing into OJ's eyes, perhaps it was okay to not think of the negatives for now. It made Bomb smile to see that OJ was truly deciding on something without the terrible pressure from his mother. She never approved of OJ dating any girl, and a boy would make it even worse.

What was even so wrong for them to kiss anyways? Why should they ever feel shame for wanting to embrace each others tenderly like everyone else? Its strange how people think they have the audacity to dictate how love should look like in society. Maybe it's simply just two boys, trying to play a video game, but end up in a gentle and sweet kiss. There is nothing shameful about them loving each others.

Carefully leaning into OJ's lingering hand, Bomb kissed it softly, making his ginger lover become red in the face. The soft sunlight that peeked it's way into the room glistened Bomb's brown eyes, glowing with a soft warm tone that captivated OJ completely.

"You're so beautiful..." He whispered breathlessly, as if he spoke any louder, this precious moment would break.

Bomb blushed, taken a bit aback by OJ's bold statement, but he loved it nonetheless. Then, he leaned back in, hovering over OJ's lips once again, waiting for permission to move forward. Placing a second hand on Bomb's cheek, OJ held the dreaded man's face softly, rubbing his thumb across his cheek, smiling to give him the go. The both leaned forward, having their lips meet once again, the ginger wrapping his arms once again around his lover's neck, running his slender fingers through Bomb's hair.

It's as if time blessed them with the slow passage of time, so they could fully appreciate and love each other softly and tenderly. Seconds felt like eternity, everything flowed slowly but with great meaning. Nothing else really mattered to Bomb or OJ, just them being able to love each other as they always wanted. And that's how it should always be, without the worry.





I love me some bombjay you guys

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