chapter one

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"Stars at night??, no.. how about Night stars! Or ughh never mind."
I thought to myself as I closed my computer and put it back in my backpack. I was at a library working on an essay for the end of the school year every senior had to do it before graduation  but I could barely start mine. I looked at my friend Andres.
"You getting work done?" I asked as I rested my head on his shoulder and took a glance at his essay 'memories are temporary but she's forever.' I read before he turned off his computer.
"Yeah actually I'm almost done, you?" "God im jealous. I haven't even started." he let out a soft laugh and stood up
"well I'm heading home, want a ride?"
"That'd be nice" I let out a small smile as I grabbed his hand to pull me up. the car ride home was a bit silent because the whole time i was wondering who was she? The one girl he was talking about in his story. I took a small glance at him. He was lip singing the words of his favorite song playing on the radio, he was obsessed with the band joy again, he's favorite song was a overrated one in my opinion,
"looking out for you". i looked back outside.
"What's up with you and this song?" I asked him looking back at him, he gave me a soft stare and chuckled
"it's cause it's..." he cut off his sentence and let out a breath
"ha nothing I just like it.
"Hmm, is it cause you like a girl !". I let out a laugh because I saw his face turn red as a rose.
"HA SO THERE IS A GIRL." I screamed laughing.
"shut up." he looked more pissed off then happy or anything else. I gave him a weird look as I laughed a bit less "what's so wrong about liking a person?"
"It's not what's wrong with it, it's who the girl is okay! I can't like her." He said as he stopped the car as the light turned red. I saw his eyes watering a bit up
"why can't you be with this girl?" I asked as I placed my hand on his arm
"it's complicated, we can't be together, no matter what." He said those words like if a knife had just stabbed his heart his voice was shaky and his words came out like small sobs. The look of his face looked terrible he was turning red and his eyes were watering.
"Hey it's okay Andre's, I'm here right?" I said as he looked at me and chuckled "yeah I guess.". He rubbed his eyes and continued to drive off. The rest of the ride home was completely silent but the music kept going which made it not awkward
'your a part time lover and a full time friend !' was my favorite lyric from the song anyone else but you. It reminds me of my favorite movie Juno, but it's also a really calm song and I love it more than anything.
"Pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me, so why can't you forgive me?" I mumbled to myself singing the song but Andre's started singing along with me.
"I can't see what anyone can anyone see in anyone else but you." We started singing along and it honestly made me feel really happy but after a while he dropped me off home.
"bye Macy !" He said waving from the car as I got out. I turned around and laughed
"Bye bye Andre's !" I waved back.

silent night with you on my mindWhere stories live. Discover now