Chapter two.

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[andres pov !]

Looking at her as she left and smiled made me want to die even more, her blonde curly hair fits her black eyeliner and lipliner so much, it also complimented her skin beautifully. She looked so stunning with her outfit, the black tube top and the blue jeans with the design on them look so cool on her. I thought about her, and only her on my way back home how could someone be so beautiful.
"Andres is that you?" I heard someone say as I entered the apartment I lived in. Yeah it was small for 6 people but my parents well "parents" made it work out.
"Mhm? Why what happened."
"Uhmmm it's Miguel!" I heard my sister scream from our bedroom. I ran there as soon as I heard the name Miguel
"what, what happened." I said as I looked up at Miguel.
"What do we do.. I don't want to lose him Andre's.." my sister said sobbing her face was red and her eyes matched her face. I put my hand on her check and hugged her
"I need you to call the ambulance right now Peyton, but also after call Lucia and Gerardo." I said pushing her out of the room and closing the door.
"Miguel why." I looked up at him I stood up on the chair and took him off the rope he was hanging on, his body was cold and he was as pale as a ghost he didn't have a heart pulse anymore and I placed him on the bed. I looked at him once again and I lost it, I started crying and shaking, I was wondering why would he do this.
"Andre's, Gerardo is here!" My eldest sister Ashely screamed from the living room as Gerardo walked in. He was my Puerto Rican foster parent.
"Andres what the fuck did you do !" He yelled as he grabbed me and almost hit me. I flinched and I screamed
"I didn't do anything I swear ! I just got home!" I pleaded crying even harder, his eyes soften a bit and let go of me
"you fucking useless cunt. THIS IS YOUR FAULT." He screamed at me as he picked up Miguel's lifeless body
"he would've been alive if you weren't such a cunt." those words hit me harder than a knife in my chest. he left me alone in the room where Miguel had died.
a couple hours went by and me and my siblings were in the waiting room
"where is Migi? Where's migi adre?" My youngest sibling said, her name is Sofia. I picked her up and hugged her
"migi is gone baby."
"When is he coming back?"
"I don't know Migi." I said as my voice started breaking up how do I tell her? Her favorite brother killed him self. my fosters parents got out of the room, Lucia was covering her face crying as Gerardo had his arm wrapped around her.
"Did he make it..?" Peyton asked them. Lucia looked up and shook her head. my whole world was crashing down, why did he do this, and Gerardo's words came back
"it's your fault." I got up and left. I called the one person I knew who would pick me up
"Hello? Andre's. What now."
"i-i need you right now." I said as I broke down crying on call
"Please Silvia."
"Fuck it what's wrong. Where are you" she said as I texted her my location "fuck you I'm on my way."
20 minutes went by and she was finally outside.
"What's wrong Andre's"
"Miguel.. he. He killed himself and it's all my fucking fault I should've been a better fucking brother." I started crying again and I covered my face, Silvia's face looked shocked her eyes softened and she hugged me.
"It's not your fault Andres there is nothing you could've done better for him."
"I- I could've been a better brother why didn't I try fuck." She didn't even say anything. She didn't have to. She knew me better than I knew my self which I hated my self.
"Why did you call me."
"Because you're the only one who would be there for me." I broke down crying in her arms more
"this isn't good for us Andres. You don't love me anymore." I let out a gasp as she said that.
"I know." I acknowledged. The fact I was a horrible person and cried in her arms for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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