20 THE PAST (3)

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The Notorious Walker Organization is a secretive and powerful mafia organization known for its ruthless tactics and extensive criminal activities. Operating in the shadows, they have established a reputation for their influence and control over various illegal enterprises.

Led by a charismatic and cunning leader, the Walker Organization has a well-structured hierarchy and a network of loyal and highly skilled members. They specialize in activities such as drug trafficking, arms smuggling, extortion, money laundering, and contract killings.

The organization maintains a code of silence, ensuring that members are fiercely loyal and willing to protect the organization at all costs. They are known for their ability to infiltrate law enforcement agencies and manipulate the justice system to their advantage.

The Walker Organization operates with precision and meticulous planning, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with. They have a vast network of connections, both locally and internationally, allowing them to expand their criminal operations across borders.

Fear and respect surround the Notorious Walker Organization, as they are willing to eliminate anyone who poses a threat to their power or betrays their trust. Their influence reaches into various sectors of society, making it difficult for law enforcement to dismantle their operations.

Overall, the Notorious Walker Organization is a highly organized and dangerous mafia group, striking fear into the hearts of those who dare to cross their path.


"Hmm? A letter from Anastasio?" The man exclaimed with delight, smiling at the person who brought the letter.

His forehead furrowed as he read the unexpected contents of the letter, realizing that it was not the pleasant greeting he had anticipated.

Being the godfather of Anastasio's beloved child, he wondered, ."What does this cryptic message mean?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow in confusion.




Espero que esta carta te encuentre bien. Te escribo con el corazón pesado, cargado por el desafortunado incidente que ha ocurrido a mi hijo. Es con gran tristeza y preocupación que me dirijo a ti hoy.

Recientemente he sabido de las acciones que han causado daño a mi amado hijo, y como padre, es mi deber buscar justicia y asegurar el bienestar de mi familia. Me duele tener que tomar estas medidas, especialmente considerando nuestra relación anterior como amigos y tu papel como padrino de mi hijo.

No puedo ignorar la gravedad de la situación y el impacto que ha tenido en mi familia. Por lo tanto, te imploro que rectifiques la situación de manera pronta. Exijo que recuperes a mi nieto y lo devuelvas a la seguridad y protección del Castillo de Brunei.

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