Chapter 1

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A sigh left her mouth as she heard those weird sounds again, coming from the apartment above hers. She had tried to comprehend the source of the sound many times. Her ears perked up as she heard them again.
It's too light to be a couch but too heavy to be a chair.

Her eyes flickered, hearing a thud. If she were to assume, it's around the weight of a human body. " Oh, must be a rice sack", she voiced in a attempt to make her overthinking stop.

She had seen the guy living upstairs only twice: one, when she had to use the stairs in an emergency and the second, when she accidentally went to the 13th floor. She immediately rushed down stairs before her mysterious neighbour noticed her.

The rest of the night was restless. Because of the continuous sounds, she couldn't sleep. She stood in front of the mirror, drying her hair with a towel after taking a shower. Her hands halted when she heard sounds but it was different this time. The 'mmph' sound only got louder as each moment passed.

Being sick of such sounds, she finally decided to go upstairs with her heart racing at a fast pace. She placed her ear on the door. The sound was more clear now. " So I wasn't wrong. The sound is indeed coming from this apartment", she thought. Ringing the bell several times, she said, " Excuse me, are you in need of help? If not, please answer!". She tapped her feet on the floor as nobody opened the door neither answer her.

She considered giving up but what if someone was actually in danger? She would regret not doing anything. As her last attempt, she exclaimed, " if you don't open the door or answer me till I count to 10, I'm calling the polic-".

"I wouldn't do that if I was you", a silvery voice said behind her, "May I know what business are you standing at my door for, young lady?".

She glanced at him with sweats dripping off her forehead. He held cat food in one hand and a cage in another.

"I-I heard some weird noises", she explained.

"Oh, weird noises, you say?", he said, raising his eyebrows with an amusing grin, "must be Kkanji".

"Kkanji?", she inquired, her face scrunched up.

"Yeah, she's my cat", he explained.

Her face lightened up as she apologized. Moving towards the stairs to leave, she flinched when she heard him say, "wait". She turned around with a shaky smile out of awkwardness.

"Don't you live downstairs?", he asked to which, she only nodded as a response.

"I'm Kim Seokjin. See you around", he said with a smile.

"Y/n. Min Y/n", she replied.

Something's off about this guy.


"A weird cat sound?", hazel said with a confused look.

"Yeah, the owner said that it was a cat's sound but it didn't sound like one", y/n explained.

"My grandpa owns a lot of cats. It's true that some cats do make weird noises", hazel defended.

"What did the noise sound like?", adam asked and y/n impersonated the sound.

"Like somebody's tied up with their mouth closed?", adam tried to come up with a conclusion. Silence fell over them as he went on, "Hey y/n. I don't really want to say this but I think that neighbour of a serial killer".

Panic fell over y/n's face. "But don't freak out, for your prince charming is here to save you", adam chimed, flexing his biceps.

"I already rejected you, Adam. Don't get ahead of yourself ", y/n warned him, cracking her knuckles with her cold stare piercing him. Hazel let out an awkward laugh. "Oh y/n, he's just kidding. Don't take it serious", she reassured her friend, widening her eyes at adam, signalling him to run away; which he gladly obeyed and left to the classroom at a high pace.

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