Chapter 3

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Getting inside the lift, y/n sighed, trying to shake off the tiredness of the day. Leaning against ceiling of the stairs, she closed her eyes, mumbling, "You still have to cook dinner, y/n. You can't be this tired already". Her eyes flashed open when she heard seokjin's voice, "You're tired? Would you like to dine at my place tonight?". He invited her with a pleasant smile. "No no", she politely rejected his offer.

When did he even come? Such a creep.

She remembered the scene she caused the other day. It would be good to apologise and get over it as soon as possible. Y/n cleared her throat, trying to get jin's attention. "I'm sorry for the scene I created the other day-", jin cut her off, "Aigoo, Hazel already apologized too many times. I told you all, it's fine".

Y/n was taken aback, how does he know hazel's name? She shook the weird feeling off and opened her instagram as a distraction. Scrolling through her feed, she saw a post which caught her eye; A picture of a woman, who went missing. She furrowed her eyebrows, her steps halted as she found the woman familiar.


Her breathing stopped as her face turned pale, the grip on her phone tighten. wasn't a dream? She indeed saw seokjin killing someone?

Sweat beads formed on her face as she left a breath over her neck. Getting goosebumps all over her body, she turned her head to the side.

Did he see the post? N-no way!

"What happened, y/n?", jin asked with a nasty smirk, his eyes holding a dark menacing look, "You suddenly look all pale and breathless".

Y/n turned her phone off in a fraction of seconds as she turned completely around, facing jin. Y/n held her phone behind her back, her eyes full of terror. Jin moved closer, his breath hitting y/n's face. A single movement wrong and they would be kissing. Y/n gulped a lump in her throat, moving back to create distance between them and stumbling on the stairs as a result. A mild scream left her mouth as she expected to fall but jin's arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her towards himself.

He pushed a strand of her hair to the back of her ear, murmuring against her lips, "What's wrong? Why are you scared, kitten?".

Y/n's hands formed fist, one of them holding her phone as she places those small fists against jin's hard chest, trying to push him away. "We're gonna fall if you keep doing this", he said, his voice husky and low.

"Then let me go", y/n urged him. "Not until you answer me", he replied.

"Just let go of me, bastard", y/n yelled, punching his chest. Seokjin let go of her for a couple of seconds only to catch her by his other arm, their house keys falling on the floor in the process. "I'm a stubborn man', he remarked upon himself, signifying that he won't give up. "So am I, fucker", y/n said, kicking his balls. He immediately let go of her and held his crotch. Y/n took the chance, picked the key up and ran up the apartment.

She opened the door with the keys in a hurry, glancing back to see if Jin was coming. Shutting the door close, y/n sighed in relief as she leaned against the door.

Wait- Did I really kick a killer in his balls? From where did I gather that courage?

She flinched when she heard the door being banged aggressively. She heard him yelling from outside, "You think you can lock me out of my own house, you dumb girl?!".

She gaped, looking at her surroundings as she slide her back down the door, wailing out, "No, lord. Not again!". She was so shaken after seeing that woman's post that she didn't even notice that she already crossed her floor and kept walking up the stairs.

Sobbing lightly, she thought of a possible escape; which was, unfortunately, none. Because she could jingling of keys. She face palmed herself.

Of course, he has the keys to his own house.

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