Chapter 10

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After the day you argued with Duke Aamon and also the day Princess Silvanna visited, you stayed in your residence for two straight days. The duke attempted to reach out to you, visiting your mansion and sending two letters, but you refused to see him or even read his letters.

You just wanted a break and some time to think things over. Not to mention, it slowly dawned in you that you probably went overboard with how you spoke with him the last time. What made it worse was the fact that he saved you after sharing his mana, but then again, you also felt wronged with the way he spoke.

With those conflicting feelings, it stopped you from meeting him.

"Are you okay?" your little sister, Bella, asked after bringing you some food. "You haven't been eating since yesterday."

"We baked your favorite cake so you should eat some!" Nella added.

"I will eat once I get some enough sleep," you replied underneath your blanket. "Can you please leave me alone for now?"

The twins looked at each other before pouting and leaving your room. It was not like you were skipping meals on purpose, but because when you tried to eat before, you ended vomiting them out. Hence, for now, all you can consume was water.

Your body weakened more than you expected, but you still did not speak about it since you knew it had something to do with the disruption of your mana flow. Moreover, you were convinced that the only way to make you feel better was for Duke Aamon to transfer some of his mana to you. Again.

"I cannot. Not yet."

That thought was in your mind every time you think of visiting him. You needed more time to gather your courage.

That afternoon, you spent your time tending to your garden while also deciding to either enroll in the academy again or accept the princess' offer or go back to Duke Aamon and talk things through with him.

"But how can I just let a chance like this slip? I mean... Training with the two excellent squads in the empire? That would be a dream come true!"

That thought ran in your mind before you suddenly stood straight after gathering a handful of alpine flowers.

"Alright! I have decided!" you claimed.

However, before you went to your room to get changed, you went to gather some blue orchids and several white roses. You arranged them into a bouquet before preparing to depart. While getting changed, you caught a glimpse of your back. There seemed to be something on it.

You walked towards the mirror as tall as you and turned your back on it.

"W-What the... Where did I even get this?" Your forehead creased as you inspected the large bruise covering almost the entirety of your back.

As far as you remembered, you weren't hurt. Not in the slightest. Hence, it was a mystery as to how you had gotten such a bruise.

"No, no. This is not the time for that," you said, not making a big deal out of it since it didn't hurt or caused any kind of discomfort.

After getting changed, you rushed out of the mansion.

"Where are you headed to?" your father asked the moment you bumped into him at the entrance.

"I am going to visit the duke," you replied as you hid the flowers behind you.

Your father hid a smile and simply told you to be careful on your way.

Sitting in the carriage, you stared at the flowers.

"This is just to thank him for trying to help," you thought. "I could not really blame him if he sees me as a burden. I mean... He is the duke. He had a lot of things to do so..."

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