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Mumbai, Maharashtra

30th June, 2040

It was raining so heavily in the month of June. In between the sounds of heavy raindrops, a woman wailing can be heard. Sounds of wailing were just increasing passing every second, the sound was coming from the car which was standing in the middle of the road near a forest. But the car was not alone two more car was standing just behind it.

The car belongs to Mr Dev Rathore one of the lead industrialist of India.
The women wailing is his wife who is pregnant with their 3rd child, it was a high risk pregnancy for them to conceive another child but of course they did take the risk as the baby was a girl and it was their long time wish of having a girl child. Mrs Rathore got her labour pain before her due date because of some complications.

As they were going to the hospital, there car broke down in the middle of the road, they do have another car with them but their doctor said it was too risky to shift the mother. But as God was with them Mrs Rathore's sister who was a Doctor came at the right time to meet her sister with her Medical car which was highly automatic and can operate anyone while travelling.

Elders of the Rathore family, Mr Sham Rathore and Mrs Meera Rathore parents of Mr Dev Rathore was in the next car praying to their lord while using the japa bag. With them was seated Anjali's 14 and 10 years old sons.
Amidst all of these things, a loud cry of a newborn was heard.

Dr Swati Mehta sister of Mrs Anjali Rathore shouted that both the mother and the child were fine. As if god was also happy hearing the newborn's cry the rain stopped and the sky got cleared with some stars sparkling brightly which was a rare sight due to all the pollution. The trees swayed with the soft wind and sound of Peacock was heard from the jungle.
After 10 minutes, a robotic voice or we can say an AI doctor came out with the baby folded in a towel and handed over the baby to Dev" Sir, here is your daughter." As Dev took his daughter in his arms his eyes started watering, seeing which both Akaash and Shiv went towards their father to console him.

"Look at her Shiv she is so cute ....our one and only sister "Akaash said while looking at his sister with a smile. " Yes Bhai she is so so cute ...I think the cutest baby I have ever seen." Shiv said.
Then Dev took the child to his parents who were near the car asking about their daughter-in-law's health.
" Mom Dad look at her .....she is so cute ....our princess."
"Hnn.beta she is .....may god give her a great life ahead" Meera Rathore said while doing the sign of removing an evileye from her.
Dev Rathore couldn't control himself as he was so overwhelmed with the emotions that he just rushed towards his wife after showing the newborn to the family. "Anjali look at our daughter she is so cute and beautiful just like you ....Thank you Thank you so much darling." Dev said while giving a kiss to both his daughter and wife on their forehead.
" Jiju I think now we should take didi and the baby to the hospital for complete checkup"


Mumbai, Maharashtra

3rd July, 2040

After the delivery of the baby, they took both the mother and the newborn to the hospital ofcourse they didn't wanted to take risk with the mother and child without checkup.



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