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Mumbai, Maharashtra

10th July, 2040

In the morning whole family went to the temple for the puja which was held for Keshavi.
Dev and Anjali were doing the Yag while Keshavi was on her Chotti Ma's lap sleeping. All the brothers of Keshavi were sitting behind there grandparents while discussing something while whispering.

After 2 hours Yag was finally over now both the Grandparents and the Parents of Keshavi were sitting together with the oldest pandit ji of the temple while Keshavi was sleeping on her Mother's lap. Keshavi's uncle and aunt went with her brothers to look after the preparation for the lunch.

" Pandit ji I send you all the details about my granddaughter yesterday so what did you find out how is her future. " Meera asked.

" I did took out everything about her birth so from what I saw is that she is going to have a very good life, born during the auspicious time but...." panditji said while looking at some paper.

" b..but what panditji " Anjali asked scared.

" Don't be so much afraid beti cuz both good and bad things are on Keshavi's future but i can assure you that the good thing is for the best.
So first thing is a bad or an evil energy is going to be after her but a very good energy means very very powerful energy is going to or you can say already taking care of her. I also noticed something I can't understand it...... it's something related to I think Keshavi's future self or we can say her past life it's like they are interconnected. Something about Kaal Chakra. " Pandit ji said to the family while looking at the asleep Keshavi.

" Kaal Chakra? what do you mean by it panditji and what evil energy and about......Please tell us clearly what it is about Panditji. " Sham said in a rush being afraid about his Granddaughter's future.

" Like I said earlier Rathore ji that with evil energy after her and good and powerful energy like god himself is going to help please don't take so much tension and Sham ji i think its Keshavi is somehow related to your family history or you can say the famous folklore of your family is going to be true through Keshavi herself."

" Baba I think I know which Kaal Chakra and folklore pandit ji is talking about..." Dev said while his eyes widened when he realized something.

" What is it Beta? " " What is it Dev? " all of them asked together.

" Do you all remember the story which dadaji used to tell all of us about the 1001th girlchild to be born in our family. Like the story which he used to tell us that its going on from Dwapar yuga's timeline" Dev said while looking at his parents.

" WHAT! Don't tell me our Keshavi is the 1001th one......but it can also be true cuz from what i heard from mother in law is that girlchild being born in our family is very rare and its like Keshavi is the only girlchild born after like 30 generations something...." Meera said while few tears fall from her eyes.

" Yes it can be Meera but we can't assure that she the 1001th girl. Do you remember that Dad gave us a book in which all the name of our ancestors are present I think we have to check that to get an idea from there either our Keshavi is the one or not." Sham said to his wife.

" Dev is it about that story which you told me just a famous folklore which is going on in your family through many years, then how can she be the one .....No no no I don't care I am not giving my daughter to anyone even if it's god....No I am not. " Anjali shouted while she stood up with an asleep Keshavi in her hands to get out of the temple.

Her shout caused Keshavi to wake up from her sleep and cry.
" It's all gods plan beta we have nothing in our hand even if we try to avoid it we can't. Have faith on him he never leave his devotees alone and i will suggest you all to prepare your daughter with all the knowledge it's for the best." Panditji said in a serious tone while he walk out of the temple.

" Don't worry Anjali whatever is in our daughter's future we know it's for the good and didn't you heard what panditji said Krishna himself is going to help her so don't worry. OK! ." Dev said while walking towards his wife who had tears in her eyes.

" Mumma Papa let's go everyone is seated we just have to distribute the food." Shiv said while walking with his brother.

" Yes Bhabhi you all go take care of everything I am here I will take care of Keshavi. Bhabhi what happened were you crying....Maa were you also crying. What's happening please someone tell us." Harsh said while he walked towards Anjali to take Keshavi from her but saw his sister in law and mother have tears in their eyes.

" It's something about Keshavi's future Harsh nothing to worry. We will discuss about it as soon as we get home. Okay! " Dev said with a small smile so that his brother doesn't worry much.

" Okay! Bhai " Harsh said smiling as he took Keshavi from Anjali. Keshavi looked at her uncle with amusement with a small smile.

" Let's go now it's Chotte Papa and Keshavi's bonding time. " Harsh said with a smile while his family members behind walking towards the Bhandara to serve food to all the people.

" Oh Didi you all are here we have distributed everything just the sweets are remaining. Would you like to do it Didi." Ananya asked Anjali as she saw her coming.

" Anu I thought you were going to take care of Keshu... did you two fight again for whose going to take care of Keshavi? " Anjali asked laughing.

" Naah Didi we didn't fought this time ..he said he also wanted to take care of Keshu and me too so we did stone paper and scissors. " Ananya said with a pout.

" You too will never grow up"

" So my Krishu what do you want to do, I wanted to play with you but you are too small

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" So my Krishu what do you want to do, I wanted to play with you but you are too small. You know I won with your aunt in stone paper scissors so now I am taking care of you." Harsh said while looking at Keshavi who was staring at her uncle while nibbling with her finger.

" When you grow up I will get you many new gadgets and all my new inventions, I will give you the first one so that it will be lucky for us ....cuz you are very lucky for us my daughter." Harsh said while kissing little Keshavi's hand.


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Let's go!!

Let's go!!

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