Chapter One: She's Gone Missing

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James POV:

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James POV:

Theo is growing fast, he's only a few months old but he looks like he's 3 years old.

He can walk, talk everything.

It's not that alarming actually. Penny is making him the awful drink she was drinking whilst pregnant with him.

Hot chocolate with blood. Honestly it sounds revolting.

I'm watching them with a small smile, I love how she is, I love how Theo is always near her or me. I love them with all my heart.

I'm nudged out my daydream by my son. I pick him up smiling. "How's my little man?" I said to Theo tickling his stomach.

"He's getting sleepy." Penny said walking up to us with his drink handing it to him. "How can he drink that?" I mutter making her laugh.

"You wouldn't kiss me when I drank that." Penny said to me as she watched our fall asleep on me. I make a disgusted face at her.

"Well yeah - it sounds and looks disgusting." I said to my love making her laugh. "Don't be jealous you can't taste it." she banters back. I scoff at her knowing she's right.

Suddenly Jasper and Carlisle come rushing in. "Turn on the TV" Carlisle said, Penny turned on the TV and it's straight to the news.

Disappearances in Seattle, people are just vanishing. I looked at Jasper, I think he knows what I'm thinking but we can't confirm it.

As we are watching the news, Alice gasped from the kitchen and came running in.

"You won't believe what I've just seen." she said rushing out the words. She was going to explain but Penny got our attention.

"Holy fuck -" she gasped and put a hand on her mouth, "A teenager from Forks, Isabella Swan was reported missing last night by her father, Chief Swan." the woman on the TV said.

You could hear a pin drop in the living room right now.

Third Person:

They all look at each other in shock, no one knew what to say.

About an hour on this subject was suddenly changed by Alice. "Hey Penny - if you got married, what would be your dream wedding?" Alice asked Penny who looked at James and blushed a little.

"Oh erm, outside with fairy lights, walking down the aisle with Lip. The music would be a violin cover, a light but cute dress." Penny said describing her dream wedding. "Why?" she wondered.

"Oh nothing - we just never discussed it." Alice said smiling.

"I mean, you guys would be bridesmaids along with Debbie, Fiona would be maid of honour. Hold on, I'm not getting married, why does it feel like I'm planning a non existent wedding?" Penny asked them before any of them could answer, Theo woke up and wanted his mom.

Penny took Theo upstairs to bath him, James is currently glaring at Alice.

"Alice, what the fuck was that?" James asked her. Alice looked at him shyly "what? I'm getting a head start" she explained making him shake his head in disbelief.

"Mads, Lip knows I'm not going to ask her to marry just because of Theo, right?" James asked as every time the subject came up for him to ask her, he glares at him.

Maddie nods and chuckles. "Yeah, he knows but she's his twin so course he's not going to like it." She explained.

"Understandable." James said before going upstairs to his girlfriend and son.

Before he enters the room a voice stops him from behind. "I'm not against it you know" Lip said coming out of his and Maddie's room. James turned around giving him a confused look.

"You asking Pen to marry you." Lip clarified. James made an 'oh' face - "It's just, I've seen her hurt, I've seen her breakdown, I've held her when she did and it wasn't pretty, I've seen her happy. I choose her happy every time. You make her the happiest I've ever seen, or any of us. That's we want." Lip explained.

"That's all I want as well Lip." James said agreeing with him - "Besides if she say's yes. You'll be my brother." James added with a cheeky smile going in to his room before Lip could say something.

When he entered the room - he stared at his girlfriend in awe as she sleeping next to Theo with a protective arm around him.

"Love, I'll put him to bed." James whispered picking up Theo and putting him in his own bed, after he was tucked in, James made sure he was okay before he left him to go back to Penny who was slowly waking up.

"Hey babe." Penny said kissing his cheek when he sat down on the bed, "how was your quick nap?" James asked huffing a laugh.

"Something I needed apparently. Do I have to go back to school tomorrow?" Penny asked groaning and falling back on to the bed when he nodded his head 'yes.'

James laughed at her antics - "we'll be there with you love, I don't want to leave him either but we need to graduate. Well you do. I've done it numerus of times." James said scoffing when she glared at him.

"Oh stop glaring - the days will fly by." James added.

Penny went downstairs to get some food and a drink, after she ate she went back up to their room.

"I don't even know what to say to Chief Swan if he ends up asking us if we know where she is." Penny admitted, James looked at her and tapped the spot next to him, she sat next to him putting her head on his shoulder.

"Technically we are not lying." James said making her laugh.

"I love you Penny - I will keep you and Theo safe. Even if that means killing her." James added making Penny look at him.

"I know and that's what scares me. What if you go to and she escapes and runs to the Volturi? I mean they know about Theo." Penny said rushing her words out.

James kissed her softly before pulling away.

"Stop over thinking, it won't get us any where." He said gently, she was looking at him with her big beautiful eyes.

"I love you James. I don't want anything happening to you." Penny replied. "I love you and Theo - nothing will happen, not while I'm around." James said firmly.

After some silence James spoke up again making her laugh with what he says.

"I still can't believe he drinks that stuff." James said in disbelief.

"I used to drink that you know." Penny said laughing at his face.

"Yeah but still!" He exclaimed making her laugh more. Which he loves to do.

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