First Words

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It's 11 months later and coming up to your first birthday.

Your daddy's gone on a mission and your at home playing with auntie Nya. At the moment she's trying to make you laugh but it's impossible. She holds you above her head and blows rasberries on your stomach, you didn't giggle, you just whined to be put back down. Aunt Nya sits you back down looking disappointed.

"What's wrong (Y/N)? You always laugh at tummy tickles." she sighs but you just sit there sadly, chewing on your teddy and looking around you. You wanted your daddy.

Nya sighs again hopelessly. "c'mon (Y/N) let's watch some Mickey Mouse and wait for daddy to come home."

You and Auntie Nya were still cuddled up on the sofa a few hours later when your daddy gets home. He comes into the living room to find you too having cuddles and laughs.

"Alright there you too?" You reach for him instantly stretching your little chubby fingers out to him. When he doesn't notice you, you gurgle impatiently and wiggle out of Nya's lap. Cole catches you and swings you around. "oh I missed you so much cupcake!" He cooed, giving you thousands of kisses that finally makes you giggle.

"She's wanted no one but you today." Nya said looking slightly hurt. You gurgled something at Cole but it didn't make sense so you tried again and again until your noises finally slurred into words.

"Da da" you gurgle. Coles head whips round and his eyes, widening, begin to fill with tears of joy.

"Say- say that again sweetie" you laugh and start chanting "dadadadada"

Cole feels his heart doing loops as he hears you speak for the first time. And him, he was your first word. They had been trying to get you to speak for days now. Cole remembered just this morning before going out to the mission, he himself had been chanting 'da da' trying to get you to copy.

"That's right! I'm your da da!" Cole beams proudly "Man your the best kid..."

"Ake" you squeak pointing to the kitchen, when your dad looks confused you say it again. "Ake ake!" You were swinging your legs furiously before Aunt Nya worked it out.

"Cole I think she means... Cake!" She laughs as Cole takes you into the kitchen and fed you a slither of chocolate cake on one of your baby spoons. You clap your hands delightedly after the first mouthful "Ake Ake Ake"

"You like cake too!?" He laughs as he kisses you on the forehead, but your trying desperately to get more cake, so you don't notice.

"That's my little girl!"

Ninjago Cole daughter scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now