be my toy..

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Even though high school is very hard but rose and lily still made it to their senior year smoothly without any chaos
What about their senior year can they make it ..

"Rose can you believe we are seniors now"
"Yeah it actually feels good to make it to our senior year without any bumpy rides"

When they were talking ...they didn't knew there were a pair of eyes hawking.

After the school when rose was on her way to home
To men walked out of a black car and...
put a piece of cloth on roses face..
After that she blacked out...

Opening her eyes she found herself in a unknown room...
With her hand and legs tied up..
The room had a very bad scent......of alcohol
"Well we'll look who is here"

"Yes me darling "

"Why the fuck am I here"

"To please me darling "
"No!please no you can't do anything like that kevin"
"Yes I can and I will!,I have been trying to control myself for a whole year but then I thought why the fuck should I ?"

Rose was struggling to get her hands untied
"Oh no ! My toy is struggling to move. Don't darling the more you move the more it will stretch the more it stretch the more your legs will open the more your legs open the more I can fuck you better"
"Don't you even dare to touch me "
" Ohh I'm so scared darling"
"You are and will forever be my slave!"

He hovered over her and devoured her lips like a hungry wolf . Then he took his shirt off and attacked her neck
" Oh never knew you would taste so good darling"

But out of the blue Kevin's father called him

"Look like you are saved today"
Rose started crying her lungs out

Meanwhile at roses house

"Darling where is rose"
"She didn't come back home yet I think she went to lily's house "

"Well didn't she tell you before going"
"Well don't you know she is a teenager now "

"Yeah I don't think she will stay till evening "
"Yes you are right , I know you stay very worried because you are her father but try to let her make her own disissions "

"Fine I'll try"

.At Kevin's house
"Yes father what is the problem,why did you call me"
" It is nothing, well some one told that you bought a girl home"
"Yes dad I know "
"You have to let her go "
"Why dad"
"Because police department is very active these days"
" But-"
"No buts"
"Fine dad"
"But I have something else to say too"
"Yes dad"...
Rose's house
........,......,.....the same black car left rose at her door step..
Rose was numb as a stone..
"Baby what happened"
Rose started crying in her mom's arms
Hearing to rose's cry her father came out
"Why are you crying rose? What happened "
"He h-he"
"Who he rose?"
"H-he t-tried to r-rape me"
Her father took her in his arms and asked her

"Who did my child "
"Who Kevin?"
"H-he is my classmate and .."
"And who ?"
Kevin's house
"Well you know my son that you are my only child and after me my business is for you to handle "

"Yes I know dad"
"Then you have to do your first job"
"What job dad "
"You have to get him "
"Get who dad ?"


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