Chapter 5: Lady Ying Tian Mu

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As the days unfolded within the southern tower, my duties as the personal imperial guard to Lady Ying Tian Mu became more defined.

The blind inhabitants and unique rules of the tower added layers of mystery to my daily life.

One evening, after my routine patrol, I found myself contemplating the events of the day.

My gaze fell upon ink and paper, and suddenly, I recalled Xiao Zhan's suggestion to write him a letter.

"Why didn't I think of this earlier? Xiao will be furious with me," I mused.

Seated at a small table, I began to compose a letter to my dear friend.


"To my dear friend, Xiao Zhan,

I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It's been too long since our last exchange, and I thought it was about time to share a glimpse of my life within the confines of the southern tower.

As I write these words, my mind drifts back to the day Lady Choi summoned me to Lady Ying Tian Mu's chamber. It marked a turning point in my role as the personal imperial guard, introducing me to tasks of great significance.

Her Highness entrusted me with the retrieval of ancient scrolls from the hidden library within the southern tower. Guided by Lady Choi through secret passages, each step unfolded layers of the tower's rich history and mysteries.

The hidden library, with its faded scrolls and the lingering scent of age, revealed tales of the southern tower's past. Among these, I stumbled upon a scroll adorned with unfamiliar symbols-an artifact that speaks volumes about the tower's enigmatic history.

Presenting the chosen scroll to Lady Ying Tian Mu resulted in words of commendation, but also news of my unshakable dedication spreading throughout the kingdom. Praise and skepticism became the twin companions of my newfound reputation.

Days have melted into a rhythm of duty and discovery. My interactions with Lady Ying Tian Mu have deepened, transcending the visual barrier imposed by the blindfold that veils my eyes. The connection between us seems to defy the limitations of the physical realm.

Recently, Her Highness summoned me again, this time with an air of urgency. "Sir Li Feng, there are whispers of unrest in the southern territories. I need you to gather information discreetly. Our tower is more than a sanctuary; it is a guardian of ancient knowledge. Protect it," were her solemn words.

Her request resonated deeply within me, reinforcing my commitment to serve. Lady Choi guided me to hidden passages beyond the tower's walls, leading to territories shrouded in mystery.

Venturing into the unknown heightened my senses. I fought until I was battered and bruised, securing the territory and forcing the enemy to retreat. The southern territories, under Lady Ying Tian Mu's protection, stood resilient.

Upon returning to the southern tower, Her Highness awaited my report in her chamber. With a respectful bow, I conveyed, "Your Highness, the southern territories are secured. The threat has been repelled."

Gratitude and admiration laced Lady Ying Tian Mu's response, affirming the value of my service to the tower. As I stood in her presence, the weight of my commitment deepened, fueled by the challenges faced and conquered.

Lady Choi, a constant guide and confidante, led me to a quiet corner of the southern tower. "Your journey has taken unexpected turns, Sir Li Feng. But your resilience has proven invaluable. The mysteries that surround us will unravel in due time."

With renewed purpose, I resumed my role as the guardian of the southern tower, unwavering in my allegiance to Lady Ying Tian Mu and the secrets concealed within the enigmatic walls.

News of my unshakable dedication spread throughout the entire kingdom, bringing both praise and skepticism. From once being perceived as filth, I became a subject of heroism and suspicion. Days within the southern tower grew more challenging as guards, driven by various sentiments, challenged me to battles day and night. Even Cheng Xiao, the arrogant bully, now views me as a formidable adversary.

Amidst the praise and animosity, I remain steadfast in my duty, standing firm as the personal imperial guard to Lady Ying Tian Mu. The trials only strengthen my commitment to protect the secrets of the southern tower and the woman I have sworn to serve.

Wishing you well in all your endeavors.

Yours sincerely,

"Kai Li Fang"...

I folded the letter and sealed it with the emblem of the southern tower. Turning to Lady Choi, I said,

"Lady Choi, there's something I need to ask of you. I've penned down my experiences here in the southern tower in a letter to Xiao Zhan.

Could you arrange for someone reliable to take it back to our village?

I want him to know what I've been through, serving as Lady Ying Tian Mu's personal imperial guard."

"Certainly, Sir Li Feng. I'll make arrangements to have your letter safely delivered to Xiao Zhan in our village," Lady Choi replied and left.

I sighed, resting my chin in my hand, looking outside the window to enjoy the beautiful view.

"I wonder, how she looks like and what exactly is the reason for me to wear a blindfold? Is she scarred or something?"

I wondered and wondered when I laid my eyes on a distant figure.

I squinted my eyes to see a woman sitting under a cherry tree.

She had a full-face mask on.

That woman removed her mask, keeping it aside and stared at the full moon.

She had long beautiful silk-white hair, her eyes were sharp and full of mystery, her lips were pink as cherry blossoms, skin as white as the moon.

There was no doubt that it was indeed my beloved Ying Tian Mu.

She took notice of me peeking and quickly put the mask on and left in a hurry.

"Did she see me staring at her?" I remembered the rule and immediately went to sleep, thinking it could be any time of my summoning to her chamber or, worse, a public execution.

Staring at the ceiling in fear, going back and forth,

I waited for hours for an order of summon, but there was none.

I couldn't blink an eye, and it was already sunrise.

Birds chirping and the sound of all the people in the southern tower.

I woke up and started my daily routine, but the only thing that was in my mind was why!? Wasn't I summoned, or did she pretend not to see me?" I questioned myself.

That's when Lady Choi in a hurry came to me, telling me that I was summoned to the main hall.

"This is it, the end of my life," I said in a tensed low voice. What could be awaiting my fate...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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