-2- emotionless freak

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Henrys pov

"What are you nishtar?" "I'm a elion, a dweller to be specific." "Do you know what happened here?" "Yes but something tells me you'll need to be heading home, it's nearly 3am, I assume you know what will happen if your still out." I'd likely perish, so I wandered home. Was I really out that long? On elion, at 3am each day creatures start to roam, they are surrounded by small pitch black crystal and if they catch you they turn you into 'shadow energy'. Stupid name for it. This energy allows them to create creatures out of, the shadow creatures are a hive mind controlled by whatever created them.

I got back home just in time, I went in through one of the side doors. I was walking through the halls and overheard my aunt and uncle talking in the main room. "So you're sure they're dead?" "Yes the engineer I hired just so happened to 'forget' to put in anything to insure a safe landing, they'll die when they hit earth. Besides if they do survive humans will likely kill them, humans fear what they don't understand." My aunt laughed after saying that. Who are they talking about? "We should be in the will, we will be rich," My uncle said. "That's asumming they didn't put their kids in the will." "You mean the emotionless freak and his disgusting excuse of an older sister. As far as they're concerned the boy never loved them and that girl is a," I saw my aunt gag. "Homosexual, just disgusting." They were talking about me and my sister. So that means they got my parents killed. I quickly went to my room so they wouldn't notice me.

10 years later, Henry is now 20, a funeral.

A man stood near two empty caskets. "We are here today to mourn the loss of Finnegan and terrisa stein 10 years ago they left for earth and never returned, now it's safe to assume they're dead. It is a tragic loss as we have not only lost a mother, father or sibling but our kingdom has lost their rulers. Now as for their will, the kingdom goes to their only son, Henry along with the castle and half of their wealth. As for everything else it goes to their only daughter, Abigail. They have also noted, that in the circumstance they die, those who worked for them are able to quit working if they should wish they also mentioned that Henry has been placed in an arranged marriage with a dweller, their name is Bethany. Now a minute of silence for the deceased." I'm sorry I've been placed into what? An arranged marriage? God fucking dammit. When we returned to the castle I kicked out my aunt and uncle. Funny they killed my parents to get their wealth through the will and they weren't even in it. I told my sister she could stay in the castle if she wished but she went to live with her girlfriend. Most of the workers stayed. I think only one worker left, one of the chefs left but they were old they would of retired soon enough. Now what do I do?

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